Interested in exploring the outdoors, but unsure where to start? It’s as easy as stepping out your door! Join host Jill Pritchard from the Missouri Department of Conservation as she explores everything nature has to offer – from health benefits and wildlife viewing, to outdoor recreation and unbelievable conservation stories. Subscribe and get your own Nature Boost!

Episode 60: Groundhog Day: How a Large Rodent Became an Unqualified Weatherman: Don’t hit snooze on our first episode of 2025! We’re kicking off the new year by looking into the quirky history of Groundhog Day. From its ancient European roots to its evolution into a beloved American tradition, Nature Boost explores how this strange holiday came to be. MDC Naturalist Austin Lambert also gives insight into one of Missouri’s most well-known rodents. Learn more about groundhogs in our online Field Guide at missouriconservation.org. E60 Transcript
Episode 48: Saving Missouri's Hellbender Part 1: What the heck is a hellbender? Listen to this episode and find out! Missouri Herpetologist Dr. Jeff Briggler takes Nature Boost on an Ozark stream to check during breeding season for the eastern hellbender. This episode discusses the hellbender’s endangered status, the challenges both Ozark and eastern subspecies face, and MDC’s partnership with the Saint Louis Zoo to restore populations. Learn more about the hellbender by visiting mdc.mo.gov or stlzoo.org E48 Transcript
Episode 49: Saving Missouri's Hellbender Part 2: Missouri’s Ozark and eastern hellbender populations are endangered, but a special partnership between the Missouri Department of Conservation and the Saint Louis Zoo is helping these salamanders stage a comeback. In February’s episode, hear from Justin Elden, Curator of Herpetology and Aquatics at the Saint Louis Zoo, and Director of the Saint Louis Zoo WildCare Institute Ron and Karen Goellner Center for Hellbender Conservation, as he shows us around the Zoo’s Herpetarium and talks about the challenges and success stories around this special breeding program. E49 Transcript
Episode 50: Solar Eclipse 2024: Nature Boost is celebrating 2024’s biggest celestial event – the solar eclipse slated for April 8 in southeast Missouri! We talk to MDC Media Specialist and self-proclaimed astronomy nerd Dan Zarlenga about how and why an eclipse happens, what to expect, and best ways to take pictures and videos of the event. We also speak to Urban Wildlife Biologist Erin Shank about what our native wildlife thinks of these events and the interesting ways they react when the moon blocks out the light of the sun. E50 Transcript
Episode 51: Here Come the Cicadas!: Missouri’s annual cicadas will be joined by their periodical friends this summer – prepare for a noisy season! What even are cicadas? Why do they spend most of their lives underground? What are the benefits of these little creatures? Learn the answers and dispel some cicada myths when Nature Boost is joined by MDC Forest Entomologist Robbie Doerhoff. E51 Transcript
Episode 52: Best Wishes to Sara Parker Pauley!: MDC Director Sara Parker Pauley is permanently out-of-office and retiring from the Department! Sara joins Nature Boost to look back on her time in conservation, the people who inspired her, and shares guidance for those interested in a conservation-related career. E52 Transcript
Episode 53: What's Up with Mountain Lions?: Does Missouri have mountain lions? Yes and no. Many sightings of these large cats turn out to be a case of mistaken identity. Although mountain lions were once as common as deer in Missouri, they were eradicated in the 19th century. If that’s the case, why are we seeing these cats pop up now and again? Are they making a comeback? Is there cause for alarm? MDC’s Wildlife Management Coordinator Alan Leary answers these questions and more in this episode. And be sure to check out the MDC website to learn more about MDC’s Mountain Lion Response Team, a list of all confirmed mountain lion reports in the state, and more mountain lion facts. E53 Transcript
Episode 54: Black Bears & BearWise with Nate Bowersock and Josh Wisdom: When temperatures warm up, black bears move across the landscape … once again reminding us that Missouri is bear country! As part of MDC’s black bear research, biologists trap and study bears in the summer to assess survival, habitat, and movements. Black Bear Biologist Nate Bowersock explains what happens during these research trips and what his team does with the data. Later, Wildlife Damage Biologist Josh Wisdom explains why it’s important for Missourians to be “BearWise.” Learn more about black bears at missouriconservation.org and learn how to live responsibly with bears by visiting bearwise.org E54 Transcript
Episode 55: A Snake-Like Fish That Breathes Air is Causing Big Problems in Missouri: A fish with cobra-like coloring, a set of teeth, and the capability to live on land for several days has made its way into Missouri. MDC has confirmed numerous reports of the northern snakehead in the state and needs your help to track it. Invasive Species Ecologist Angela Sokolowski and Fisheries Program Angler Outreach Specialist Andrew Branson tell us more about this unique fish, why it’s a problem, and what to do if you catch one.
Reports of northern snakeheads can be made by calling the MDC Southeast Regional Office at 573-290-5730 or online at http://short.mdc.mo.gov/4Ek E55 Transcript
Episode 56: Did You Thank a Stream Teamer Today?: Thousands of volunteers dedicate their free time to conserving Missouri’s blue spaces. Since 1989, Missouri Stream Teams have worked to remove trash from waterways, plant trees along streams, remove invasive plants, and more. MDC Volunteer Programs Manager Rebecca O’Hearn and Volunteer Engagement Specialist Brian Waldrop highlight the important work Stream Teams has completed in its 35 years and discuss how you can join the movement. Start your own Stream Team at mostreamteam.org E56 Transcript
Episode 57: The Legend of Mo Mo the Missouri Monster: Bigfoot, Sasquatch, and Mo Mo? In celebration of Halloween, Nature Boost is looking into the story of Mo Mo the Missouri Monster. Sightings of the creature date back to the early 1970s in the small town of Louisiana. Telling us more about this monstrous history is Louisiana Historical Museum President Brent Engel. Are you a Mo Mo skeptic? This episode may just turn you into a believer! E57 Transcript
Episode 58: The Spirit of Gratitude with Heather Feeler: The outdoors has a special way of bringing peace and erasing stress, and November is a time we reflect on the things we’re thankful for. MDC Communications Branch Chief Heather Feeler discusses how her program, The Spirit of Gratitude, can help us increase energy and inspiration, foster self-improvement, and regain the spark and joy in living out our mission. E58 Transcript
Episode 59: A Nature Boost Holiday Countdown: Take break from the holiday frenzy and learn what natural events occur during these last days of 2024. Need last-minute gifts? There are many options for nature lovers in the MDC Nature Shop! Order nature guides, cookbooks, and our popular Natural Events Calendar at mdcnatureshop.com. E59 Transcript
- Episode 36: Let's Go on a Winter Hike: There’s still much to explore in the outdoors during winter. Bundle up, stuff your pocket with Kleenex, and head out on a trail with Jill following a snowfall! Look for wildlife tracks, get in some steps, and enjoy nature in a winter wonderland. E36 Transcript
- Episode 37: Winter Herp Survival: Many wildlife species are active during the winter, but where have the reptiles and amphibians gone?! Missouri Herpetologist Jeff Briggler is back to tell us how frogs, turtles, lizards, and snakes survive the cold months. He also tells us about the latest edition of MDC’s Amphibians and Reptiles of Missouri illustrated guidebook. E37 Transcript
- Episode 38: Missouri Conservationist and Xplor: MDC Magazine Manager Stephanie Thurber joins Jill this episode to discuss the Missouri Conservationist and Xplor for Kids magazines. Learn how you can subscribe to these amazing FREE publications, how the magazine has evolved through the decades, and the variety of topics covered. Stephanie mentions her favorite Xplor story in this episode, the Wood Duck Diaries. E38 Transcript
- Episode 39: Give Turtles a Break!: Keep an eye on the roads this spring for one of our reptilian friends – box turtles! Turtles are coming out of their winter dens in search of food and a mate and are common seen crossing the roads. MDC Naturalist Shelly Colatskie also tells listeners about Missouri’s most famous turtle, Peanut, and how this red-eared slider is spreading awareness in the anti-littering movement. E39 Transcript
- Episode 40: Morels Part II: Morel mushrooms are tricky fungi to hunt. Join Jill as she sets out on another quest to find the coveted springtime mushroom. Will she succeed? Or will she spend another year wondering if these mushrooms actually live up to the hype? Listen and find out. E40 Transcript
- Episode 41: The Cave State: Learn why Missouri is dubbed “The Cave State” as Jill goes cave exploring with MDC Naturalist and cave expert Shelly Colatskie. Learn why the state hosts so many caves, how they form, and tips and resources on how to become a caver yourself! E41 Transcript
- Episode 42: Summertime Q&A: MDC Naturalist Sarah Easton joins Nature Boost this episode to discuss common questions and concerns she receives from the public each summer. Topics include bird feeding, what to do if you find injured wildlife, ticks and mosquitoes, and more! E42 Transcript
- Episode 43: A Night at the Muny: Join us for a night of theater at the Muny! Muny CEO Kwofe Coleman tells us what makes this outdoor theater so special, how the nature setting adds to productions, and why so many continue to attend shows year after year. Later, MDC’s Karen Hudson guides us around Forest Park and tells us about MDC’s partnership with the Muny. E43 Transcript
- Episode 44: Lunch Date: Nature Boost meets up with MDC Conservation Educator Ginger Miller for a picnic lunch in Windsor. What’s on the menu? Listen and find out! E44 Transcript
- Episode 45: Rockwood's Rock Climbing: Nature Boost learns the ropes this episode with Kevin McCarthy and Russell Errett from the BETA Fund. These two rock climbing enthusiasts helped establish the first rock climbing bluff offered on an MDC area at Rockwoods Reservation. Learn rock climbing basics, safety, how to get started, and hear about BETA Fund’s mission to conserve outdoor spaces in the Midwest for recreational rock climbing. Read more about the organization at betafund.org. E45 Transcript
- Episode 46: Q&A with a Naturalist: MDC Naturalist Sarah Easton joins us again to answer common questions received during the fall and winter seasons. Topics include white-tailed deer, MDC’s Eagle Days, leaving the leaves, and how to recycle live Christmas trees for wildlife E46 Transcript
- Episode 47: Seasonal Self-Care: Nature’s effect on our health is a topic we’ve discussed before, but it bears repeating! Primary Care Physician Dr. Jennifer Allen joins us to discuss why our bodies and minds need nature and why getting outside is especially important in the winter! E47 Transcript
- Episode 24: Maple Sugaring: Got a sweet tooth? Then this episode is for you! January and February are great times to get outdoors and taste one of the forest’s sweetest gifts – maple syrup. Jill talks with Rockwoods Reservation’s Amy Wilkinson to learn how to tap sugar maple trees to make syrup. E24 Transcript
- Episode 25: The Ancient Sport of Falconry: You ever see those hawks sitting along highways or atop the trees? Some people use them to hunt small game! Learn about this ancient way to hunt as Jill speaks with Master Falconer Meagan Duffee-Yates and accompanies her on a duck hunt with her peregrine falcon, Sidewinder. E25 Transcript
- Episode 26: Plant Natives For Spring!: Get your yard spring-ready and plant natives! Get tips from MDC Native Landscape Specialists Alix Daniel and Cydney Ross and watch your yard bloom with color and wildlife this year! E26 Transcript
- Episode 27: Forest Park Owl Prowl.: Nature is everywhere – including in downtown St. Louis! Join Jill as she takes an owl prowl with Naturalist Mark Glenshaw, who has been observing a Great-Horned Owl in Forest Park since 2005! Learn all about this species, and even how to spot owls in nature on your own! Be sure to learn more about the Forest Park owls by following Mark on Twitter at @forestparkowls E27 Transcript
- Episode 28: Itchy & Scratchy Summer: In this episode of Nature Boost, we’re discussing deterrents many people face when it comes to a Missouri summer – poison ivy, mosquitos, and ticks. Jill speaks with Runge Nature Center Manager Kevin Lohraff for tips on how to enjoy the outdoors without letting these plants and bloodsuckers ruin your time. This episode also explores how these unpopular members of nature contribute to the ecosystem. E28 Transcript
- Episode 29: Revisiting Paddlefest: In June’s episode, we’re revisiting a Paddlefest event held at the Riverlands Migratory Bird Sanctuary near St. Louis. We talk to multiple participants, re-learn some basic paddling techniques, and even hear the history of the area from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. E29 Transcript
- Episode 30: Geese Banding: Tag along on geese banding efforts in mid-Missouri and learn why and how MDC biologists place waterfowl identification bands on Canada geese. E30 Transcript
- Episode 31: Monarch Mania: Butterflies are insects, but many of us think of them as something “more.” Perhaps it’s their beauty or the fact that they don’t bite or sting that makes people like them so much! Learn about the iconic monarch butterfly, their impressive migration journey, and what you can do to help support their population. E31 Transcript
- Episode 32: The Twins of Cape Girardeau Nature Center: It’s getting close to Halloween season, and what better way to celebrate than learning about one of Missouri’s most unique snakes? Join Jill as she speaks with MDC Naturalist Alex Holmes about the two-headed black ratsnake at the Cape Girardeau Nature Center. E32 Transcript
- Episode 33: Bats of Missouri: Feeling batty this month? Learn all about one of Halloween’s most iconic mascots in October’s episode. Jill speaks with MDC Bat Ecologist Jordan Meyer about types of bats found in Missouri, what they’re up to this time of year, and what to do if you happen to find one on your property. E33 Transcript
- Episode 34: Talkin' Thanksgiving Turkey: Celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday by learning more about the wild turkey. Wild Turkey Biologist Nick Oakley gives some fun facts about this gamebird you can bring to your dinner table. E34 Transcript
- Episode 35: Audubon Christmas Bird Count: Celebrate our birds this holiday season through the Christmas Bird Count. US Fish and Wildlife Migratory Bird Biologist Sarah Kendrick tells us the history of the bird census, how to join, and how the data helps declining bird populations. Learn more about the Christmas Bird Count at Audubon.org E35 Transcript
- Mini Boost - Bird is the Word!: State Ornithologist Sarah Kendrick joins Nature Boost for round 2 on Missouri’s birds. She tells us why many populations are sadly in decline, but gives us tips on how we can each do our part to help reverse those numbers. Sarah also gives us good tips on winter bird watching, and why the cold season is a great time to pick up the hobby! MB01 Transcript
- Tracking Copperheads - Bonus Episode: Most people stay clear of snakes, but one team of researchers is on the hunt for one of Missouri’s most elusive species: the eastern copperhead! Jill interviews researchers at Powder Valley Nature Center and learns about their tracking efforts to better understand copperhead populations around the Kirkwood area. Bonus 02 Transcript
- Episode 14: Morel Hunting: Join Jill as she sets out on a quest to find the elusive morel mushroom. She’s joined by MDC State Botanist Malissa Briggler, who gives her expertise on when and where to find these tasty morsels as they pop up during early spring! E14 Transcript
- Episode 15: Nature Photography: Jill interviews MDC Photographer David Stonner. E15 Transcript
- Episode 16: Camping: Jill speaks with Springfield Nature Center Manager Rudy Martinez, who gives listeners tips on gear, food, activities, and great places in Missouri to set up camp. E16 Transcript
- Episode 17: Native Creatures: The Indigenous Mammals and Birds of Missouri: As Missouri celebrates its bicentennial in 2021, an art exhibition at the State Historical Society of Missouri is shining a light on the animals that inhabited the area at the time it became a state 200 years ago. Join Jill as she speaks with Curator of Art Collections Joan Stack about the images from John James Audubon and Charles Schwartz, and how changing landscapes throughout the years have impacted native wildlife. The exhibition runs through July 16. E17 Transcript
- Episode 18: Family Camping Tradition: Head out on a bluff trail and into the crystal-clear waters of the Huzzah with the Newenhaus family from St. Louis. Their camping tradition spans sixty years, and they are sharing their adventures, and what keeps the generations together and returning every year. E18 Transcript
- Episode 19: Fishing: Discover nature through fishing! Learn the basics from MDC’s wildlife artist and avid bass angler Alexis “AJ” Joyce. Learn about best times to wet a line, how to handle fish, and why MDC’s Mo Outdoors app is a great fishing companion! E19 Transcript
- Episode 20: Floating the Missouri and Mississippi Confluence: Floating Missouri’s streams is a fantastic way to unwind and get a nature boost. In this episode, Jill joins certified paddling instructors Bob Virag, Craig Heaton, and Perry Whitaker for a float on the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers. Get tips from the experts to make the most out of your next float trip, and even hear the story about how one of these guys attempted to break a kayaking world record! E20 Transcript
- Episode 21: Missouri's Fall Color: Fall is finally here, but have you ever wondered why leaves change color? Jill gets the scoop from MDC Community Forester Ann Koenig, who explains how leaves turn and the best time to see fall foliage in Missouri. Be sure to check out MDC’s Fall Color Forecast to learn more at mdc.mo.gov/fallcolor. E21 Transcript
- Episode 22: MDC K-9 Ride-Along: MDC’s Protection Unit recruited the help of five four-legged officers over the last year. Learn how these canine officers help conservation agents in investigations and outreach programs as Jill rides along with Agent Susan Swem and her partner K-9 Astro. E22 Transcript
- Episode 23: Winter Eagle Watching: Discover nature this season through eagle watching! Join Jill as she speaks with MDC Resource Scientist Janet Haslerig about why winter is the best season to view bald eagles in Missouri. Jill also shares Christmas tree care tips and ways you can recycle your tree after the holidays. E23 Transcript
- Season 1, Episode 1 – Getting Back to Our Roots: Join host Jill Pritchard as she discusses nature’s effect on our wellbeing with Jefferson City-based Wellness Practitioner Dianna Richardson. Also featured is St. Louis radio personality, Jeff Burton, who shares how hiking changed his life for the better. S1E1 Transcript
- Season 1, Episode 2 – Bee Kind: Jill talks to MDC Urban Wildlife Biologist Erin Shank and St. Louis University Biology Professor Dr. Gerardo Camilo to discuss the vital role bees play in our nutrition. S1E2 Transcript
- Season 1, Episode 3 – Blue Space: We’ve heard about how “Green Space” is great for health, but what about our lakes and rivers? This episode features MDC’s Stream and Watershed Chief Sherry Fischer and explores how clean and healthy waterways impact our health. S1E3 Transcript
- Season 1, Episode 4 – Good Chemis-tree: Jill speaks to MDC’S Trees Work Campaign Coordinator Holly Dentner and Sarah Crowder with the Heartland Tree Alliance to find out how their programs are improving Missouri’s communities one tree at a time. S1E4 Transcript
- Living With Wildlife - Bonus Episode: Jill gets together with Wildlife Programs Supervisor Lauren Hildreth and MDC Wildlife Damage Biologists Daryl Damron and Josh Wisdom to discuss how we can live in harmony with the natural world. Bonus 01 Transcript
- Mini Boost - Let's Go Hiking: Join Jill for Mini Nature Boost about hiking! Learn some quick tips that will motivate you to get out and discover nature! MB02 Transcript
- Mini Boost - Self Care in Nature: Relax and de-stress as you discover ways to incorporate nature into your self-care routine! MB03 Transcript
- Season 2, Episode 1 - Black Bears: Join Jill as she tags along on a black bear research trip in southern Missouri with MDC Furbearer Biologist Laura Conlee. Learn about Missouri’s growing bear population and how to stay “Bear Aware”. S2E1 Transcript
- Season 2, Episode 2 - Birds: Jill talks with Missouri Ornithologist Sarah Kendrick on why birds are awesome! Learn some basic bird calls and how to become a birder! S2E2 Transcript
- Season 2, Episode 3 - Elk: Did you know Missouri has an established elk population? Cervid Biologist Aaron Hildreth gives Jill a tour of Peck Ranch Conservation Area, where Missouri’s elk roam! S2E3 Transcript
- Season 2, Episode 4 - Snakes: Missouri Herpetologist Jeff Briggler talks to Jill about what types of snakes you can encounter in Missouri, and why respect – not fear – is the best approach to these cool reptiles. S2E4 Transcript

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