Find Your Conservation Number


On Your Permit Card

Look for your nine-digit Conservation ID number on the front of your Permit Card, shown here circled in red.

Missouri permit card

On Your Heritage Card

New Heritage Card

Look for your nine-digit Conservation ID number on the front of your Heritage Card, shown here circled in red.

Heritage card with numbers circled in red






Old Heritage Card

Look for your nine-digit Conservation ID number on the back of your Heritage Card, shown here circled in red. 

old heritage front
old heritage back

On Your Permit Slip

Look for your nine-digit Conservation  ID number at the top of your permit underneath "Missouri Conservation Department," shown here circled in red.

MDC permit slip

In Your MO Hunting and MO Fishing Apps

Simply click on one of the permits on the permit listing page for the permit information to display. You will find your Conservation ID underneath your name, shown here circled in red.

Mobile app display


Note about mobile apps

Currently the mobile apps cutoff the leading zeros. If the Conservation ID displayed in the app is less than nine digits, then be sure to add as many leading zeros as needed for your ID to be nine digits long. For example: Conservation ID 1234567 displayed in the mobile app is actually 001234567. 


For more information about your Conservation ID number, or to have one assigned to you, please call 573-522-0107 and select option 4.


Your Conservation Number Is...

  • Used to track your permits
  • Unique. You should have only one Conservation ID number in your lifetime.
  • Not the same as your 16-digit Heritage Card number, which is found on the front of older Heritage cards.
  • Not the same as your Hunter Education number