Responsible forest management is the key to a healthy forest. As part of an effective management program, sometimes cuts are needed to help regenerate parts of the forest. Also, consideration for wildlife and aesthetic value are key when deciding when and what cuts need to be made. Careful cutting of trees is a large part of effective forest management and creates a greater diversity of plant and animal life in our forests.
Some wood products are now being labeled "green." This means that those wood products come from a forest that is sustainably managed. In other words, those products come from a forest that is aggressively promoting new growth and forest regeneration, while at the same time offering mature trees to be used for quality wood products.
In Missouri, experts from the Department of Conservation are available to help landowners make the right decisions about stewardship of their property. These professionals include foresters, wildlife and fisheries biologists, soil scientists, and extension specialists, and they are all available to help free of charge.