
Close up on fishing rod
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How to Bowfish

Bowfishing offers an exciting way to pursue these fish that typically draw little interest with traditional methods.

In this section
Fishing Seasons
Season Dates Hours Limits/Notes
Bass: White, Yellow, Striped & Hybrids January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2025

Daily limit: 15
Possession limit: 30
Size limit: You may keep up to four fish longer than 18” per day.

Daily and possession limits are combination of white, yellow and striped bass and their hybrids.

Black Bass: From Impoundments January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2025

Daily limit: 6
Possession limit: 12
Size limit: none

Daily and possession limits are combination of largemouth, smallmouth and spotted bass.

These regulations apply to impounded lakes, streams, and rivers.  Some areas have additional specific regulations.  Check area regulations.

Black Bass: Non-Ozark Streams January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2025

Daily limit: 6
Possession limit: 12
Size limit: minimum 12 inches

Daily and possession limits are combination of largemouth, smallmouth and spotted bass.

Limits apply on all waters unless there are area specific regulations. Check area regulations.

These regulations apply to streams not defined as Ozark streams. View map of streams.

Black Bass: Ozark Streams May 24, 2025 to February 28, 2026

Daily limit: 6
Possession limit: 12
Size limit: minimum 12"

Limits apply on all Ozark streams, except those with more specific regulations. View map of streams.

Bullfrog and Green Frog: Fishing June 30, 2025 to October 31, 2025

Season opens at sunset on opening day. Check sunrise and sunset times in your area.

Daily limit: 8 (combined total of both species)
Possession limit: 16

Only the daily limit may be possessed on waters and banks of waters being fished or hunted.

Catfish (Blue) January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2025

Daily limit: 5
Possession limit: 10
Size limit: none

Limits apply on all waters except on areas with special regulations. Check area regulations.

Catfish (Channel) January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2025

Daily limit: 10
Possession limit: 20
Size limit: none

Limits apply on all waters except on areas with special regulations. Check area regulations.

Catfish (Flathead) January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2025

Daily limit: 5
Possession limit: 10
Size limit: none

Limits apply on all waters except on areas with special regulations. Check area regulations.

Crappie (Black and White) January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2025

Daily limit: 30
Possession limit: 60
Size limit: None

Limits apply on all waters except on areas with special regulations. Check area regulations.

Goggle-Eye (Rock Bass) and Warmouth January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2025

Daily limit: 15
Possession limit: 30
Size limit: minimum 7"

Limits apply on all waters except on areas with special regulations. Check area regulations.

Muskellunge January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2025

Daily limit: 1 muskellunge or 1 northern pike
Possession limit: 2
Size limit: minimum 36"

Limits apply on all waters except on areas with special regulations. Check area regulations.

Mussels and Clams January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2025

Daily limit: 5, combined total of all species (except Asian clams, which may be taken and possessed in any number). This limit applies to live and dead animals.
Possession limit: 10

Mussels listed in the Missouri Species and Communities of Conservation Concern Checklist may not be taken or possessed.

Daily and possession limits do not apply to Asiatic clams.

Two shell halves (valves) shall be considered 1 mussel or clam.

Nongame Fish: Bowfishing: Impounded Waters February 1, 2025 to March 31, 2025

April 1, 2025 to January 31, 2026

Sunrise to midnight from February 1 to March 31.

Daily limit: 20
Possession limit: 40, except on the Mississippi River which has a daily and possession limit of 100.

The daily limit is the combined total of all nongame species taken by all nongame methods. If you have taken 50 nongame species using a pole and line, then you cannot take 20 nongame species using a bow. If you have taken 20 nongame species via bowfishing, then you can only take an additional 30 nongame species using a pole and line, or other line method.

On the Current River from Cedar Grove downstream to the Arkansas line, only 5 hogsuckers may be included in a daily limit.

Goldfish, bighead carp, common carp, grass carp, and silver carp may be possessed in any number and do not count in the daily or possession limit.

Bighead carp, common carp, grass carp, and silver carp that jump from the water into a boat or onto land may also be taken and possessed in any number.

Bowfin must remain whole and intact while on state waters or adjacent banks.

Applies to bowfishing in impounded waters.

Alligator gar are a protected species in Missouri. It is illegal to take and possess them.

Nongame Fish: Bowfishing: Mississippi, Missouri, St Francis Rivers January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2025

24 hours

Daily limit: 20
Possession limit: 40, except on the Mississippi River which has a daily and possession limit of 100.

The daily limit is the combined total of all nongame species taken by all nongame methods. If you have taken 50 nongame species using a pole and line, then you cannot take 20 nongame species using a bow. If you have taken 20 nongame species via bowfishing, then you can only take an additional 30 nongame species using a pole and line, or other line method.

On the Current River from Cedar Grove downstream to the Arkansas line, only 5 hogsuckers may be included in a daily limit.

Goldfish, bighead carp, common carp, grass carp, and silver carp may be possessed in any number and do not count in the daily or possession limit.

Bighead carp, common carp, grass carp, and silver carp that jump from the water into a boat or onto land may also be taken and possessed in any number.

Bowfin must remain whole and intact while on state waters or adjacent banks.

Applies to bowfishing in portions of the Missouri, Mississippi, and St Francis rivers.

Alligator gar are a protected species in Missouri. It is illegal to take and possess them.

Nongame Fish: Bowfishing: Streams January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2025

Sunrise to midnight

Daily limit: 20
Possession limit: 40, except on the Mississippi River which has a daily and possession limit of 100

The daily limit is the combined total of all nongame species taken by all nongame methods. If you have taken 50 nongame species using a pole and line, then you cannot take 20 nongame species using a bow. If you have taken 20 nongame species via bowfishing, then you can only take an additional 30 nongame species using a pole and line, or other line method.

On the Current River from Cedar Grove downstream to the Arkansas line, only 5 hogsuckers may be included in a daily limit.

Goldfish, bighead carp, common carp, grass carp, and silver carp may be possessed in any number and do not count in the daily or possession limit.

Bighead carp, common carp, grass carp, and silver carp that jump from the water into a boat or onto land may also be taken and possessed in any number.

Bowfin must remain whole and intact while on state waters or adjacent banks.

Applies to bowfishing in streams, except portions of the Missouri, Mississippi, and St Francis rivers.

Alligator gar are a protected species in Missouri. It is illegal to take and possess them.

Nongame Fish: Bowfishing: Temporary Overflow January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2025

Sunrise to sunset

Daily limit: 20
Possession limit: 40, except on the Mississippi River which has a daily and possession limit of 100.

The daily limit is the combined total of all nongame species taken by all nongame methods. If you have taken 50 nongame species using a pole and line, then you cannot take 20 nongame species using a bow. If you have taken 20 nongame species via bowfishing, then you can only take an additional 30 nongame species using a pole and line, or other line method.

On the Current River from Cedar Grove downstream to the Arkansas line, only 5 hogsuckers may be included in a daily limit.

Goldfish, bighead carp, common carp, grass carp, and silver carp may be possessed in any number and do not count in the daily or possession limit.

Bighead carp, common carp, grass carp, and silver carp that jump from the water into a boat or onto land may also be taken and possessed in any number.

Bowfin must remain whole and intact while on state waters or adjacent banks.

Applies to bowfishing in bodies of water produced by the temporary overflow of a river or ditch.

Alligator gar are a protected species in Missouri. It is illegal to take and possess them.

Nongame Fish: Crossbow: Impounded Waters and Temporary Overflow January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2025

Sunrise to sunset

Daily limit: 20
Possession limit: 40, except on the Mississippi River which has a daily and possession limit of 100.

The daily limit is the combined total of all nongame species taken by all nongame methods. If you have taken 50 nongame species using a pole and line, then you cannot take 20 nongame species using a crossbow. If you have taken 20 nongame species via crossbow, then you can only take an additional 30 nongame species using a pole and line, or other line method.

On the Current River from Cedar Grove downstream to the Arkansas line, only 5 hogsuckers may be included in a daily limit.

Goldfish, bighead carp, common carp, grass carp, and silver carp may be possessed in any number and do not count in the daily or possession limit.

Bighead carp, common carp, grass carp, and silver carp that jump from the water into a boat or onto land may also be taken and possessed in any number.

Bowfin must remain whole and intact while on state waters or adjacent banks.

Applies to crossbow fishing in impounded waters and bodies of water produced by the temporary overflow of a river or ditch.

Alligator gar are a protected species in Missouri. It is illegal to take and possess them.

Nongame Fish: Gig/Atlatl: Impounded Waters February 16, 2025 to September 14, 2025

Sunrise to sunset

Daily limit: 20
Possession limit: 40, except on the Mississippi River which has a daily and possession limit of 100.

The daily limit is the combined total of all nongame species taken by all nongame methods. If you have taken 50 nongame species using a pole and line, then you cannot take 20 nongame species using a gig/atlatl. If you have taken 20 nongame species via gig/atlatl, then you can only take an additional 30 nongame species using a pole and line, or other line method.

On the Current River from Cedar Grove downstream to the Arkansas line, only 5 hogsuckers may be included in a daily limit.

On Lake of the Ozarks and it tributaries, Osage River below U.S. Highway 54, and Truman Lake and it tributaries, gigging, snaring, and snagging for any species is not allowed after taking and possessing the daily limit of 2 paddlefish.

Goldfish, bighead carp, common carp, grass carp, and silver carp may be possessed in any number and do not count in the daily or possession limit.

Bighead carp, common carp, grass carp, and silver carp that jump from the water into a boat or onto land may also be taken and possessed in any number.

Bowfin must remain whole and intact while on state waters or adjacent banks.

Alligator gar are a protected species in Missouri. It is illegal to take and possess them.

Nongame Fish: Gig/Atlatl: Streams and Impounded Waters September 15, 2024 to February 15, 2025

September 15, 2025 to February 15, 2026

Sunrise to midnight

Daily limit: 20
Possession limit: 40, except on the Mississippi River which has a daily and possession limit of 100.

The daily limit is the combined total of all nongame species taken by all nongame methods. If you have taken 50 nongame species using a pole and line, then you cannot take 20 nongame species using a gig/atlatl. If you have taken 20 nongame species via gig/atlatl, then you can only take an additional 30 nongame species using a pole and line, or other line method.

On the Current River from Cedar Grove downstream to the Arkansas line, only 5 hogsuckers may be included in a daily limit.

On Lake of the Ozarks and it tributaries, Osage River below U.S. Highway 54, and Truman Lake and it tributaries, gigging, snaring, and snagging for any species is not allowed after taking and possessing the daily limit of 2 paddlefish.

Goldfish, bighead carp, common carp, grass carp, and silver carp may be possessed in any number and do not count in the daily or possession limit.

Bighead carp, common carp, grass carp, and silver carp that jump from the water into a boat or onto land may also be taken and possessed in any number.

Bowfin must remain whole and intact while on state waters or adjacent banks.

Alligator gar are a protected species in Missouri. It is illegal to take and possess them.

Nongame Fish: Gig/Atlatl: Temporary Overflow January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2025

Sunrise to sunset

Daily limit: 20
Possession limit: 40, except on the Mississippi River which has a daily and possession limit of 100.

The daily limit is the combined total of all nongame species taken by all nongame methods. If you have taken 50 nongame species using a pole and line, then you cannot take 20 nongame species using a git/atlatl. If you have taken 20 nongame species via git/atlatl, then you can only take an additional 30 nongame species using a pole and line, or other line method.

On the Current River from Cedar Grove downstream to the Arkansas line, only 5 hogsuckers may be included in a daily limit.

On Lake of the Ozarks and it tributaries, Osage River below U.S. Highway 54, and Truman Lake and its tributaries, gigging, snaring, and snagging for any species is not allowed after taking and possessing the daily limit of 2 paddlefish.

Goldfish, bighead carp, common carp, grass carp, and silver carp may be possessed in any number and do not count in the daily or possession limit.

Bighead carp, common carp, grass carp, and silver carp that jump from the water into a boat or onto land may also be taken and possessed in any number.

Bowfin must remain whole and intact while on state waters or adjacent banks.

Applies to gigging in bodies of water produced by the temporary overflow of a river or ditch.

Alligator gar are a protected species in Missouri. It is illegal to take and possess them.

Nongame Fish: Line Methods January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2025

24 hours

Daily limit: 50, except on the Mississippi River which has a daily and possession limit of 100
Possession limit: 100

The daily limit is the combined total of all nongame species taken by all nongame methods. If you have taken 50 nongame species using a pole and line, then you cannot take 20 nongame species using another nongame fishing method. If you have taken 20 nongame species via another nongame fishing method, then you can only take an additional 30 nongame species using a pole and line, or other line method.

On the Current River from Cedar Grove downstream to the Arkansas line, only 5 hogsuckers may be included in a daily limit.

Goldfish, bighead carp, common carp, grass carp, and silver carp may be possessed in any number and do not count in the daily or possession limit.

Bighead carp, common carp, grass carp, and silver carp ;that jump from the water into a boat or onto land may also be taken and possessed in any number.

Bowfin must remain whole and intact while on state waters or adjacent banks.

Applies to fishing in streams and impounded waters.

Alligator gar are a protected species in Missouri. It is illegal to take and possess them.

Nongame Fish: Snagging/Grabbing: Streams and Impounded Waters March 15, 2025 to May 15, 2025

September 15, 2025 to February 15, 2026

24 hours

Daily limit: 20
Possession limit: 40, except on the Mississippi River which has a daily and possession limit of 100.

The daily limit is the combined total of all nongame species taken by all nongame methods. If you have taken 50 nongame species using a pole and line, then you cannot take 20 nongame species via snagging/grabbing. If you have taken 20 nongame species via snagging/grabbing, then you can only take an additional 30 nongame species using a pole and line, or other line method.

On the Current River from Cedar Grove downstream to the Arkansas line, only 5 hogsuckers may be included in a daily limit.

On Lake of the Ozarks and it tributaries, Osage River below U.S. Highway 54, and Truman Lake and its tributaries, gigging, snaring, and snagging for any species is not allowed after taking and possessing the daily limit of 2 paddlefish.

Goldfish, bighead carp, common carp, grass carp, and silver carp may be possessed in any number and do not count in the daily or possession limit.

Bighead carp, common carp, grass carp, and silver carp that jump from the water into a boat or onto land may also be taken and possessed in any number.

Bowfin must remain whole and intact while on state waters or adjacent banks.

In the Osage River downstream from U.S. Highway 54 to the Missouri River and in the Lake of the Ozarks and Harry S. Truman Reservoir,
nongame fish may be taken by snagging, snaring, and grabbing from March 15 through April 30.

On the Mississippi River, nongame fish may be taken by snagging, snaring, and grabbing from March 15 through May 15 and Sept. 15
through Dec. 15.

Alligator gar are a protected species in Missouri. It is illegal to take and possess them.

Nongame Fish: Snagging/Grabbing: Temporary Overflow January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2025

Sunrise to sunset

Daily limit: 20
Possession limit: 40, except on the Mississippi River which has a daily and possession limit of 100.

The daily limit is the combined total of all nongame species taken by all nongame methods. If you have taken 50 nongame species using a pole and line, then you cannot take 20 nongame species via snagging/grabbing. If you have take 20 nongame species via snagging/grabbing, then you can only take an additional 30 nongame species using a pole and line, or other line method.

On the Current River from Cedar Grove downstream to the Arkansas line, only 5 hogsuckers may be included in a daily limit.

On Lake of the Ozarks and it tributaries, Osage River below U.S. Highway 54, and Truman Lake and its tributaries, gigging, snaring, and snagging for any species is not allowed after taking and possessing the daily limit of 2 paddlefish.

Goldfish, bighead carp, common carp, grass carp, and silver carp may be possessed in any number and do not count in the daily or possession limit.

Bighead carp, common carp, grass carp, and silver carp that jump from the water into a boat or onto land may also be taken and possessed in any number.

Bowfin must remain whole and intact while on state waters or adjacent banks.

Applies to snagging/grabbing in bodies of water produced by the temporary overflow of a river or ditch.

Alligator gar are a protected species in Missouri. It is illegal to take and possess them.

Nongame Fish: Snaring: Streams and Impounded Waters March 15, 2025 to May 15, 2025

September 15, 2025 to February 15, 2026

24 hours


Daily limit: 20
Possession limit: 40, except on the Mississippi River which has a daily and possession limit of 100.

The daily limit is the combined total of all nongame species taken by all nongame methods. If you have taken 50 nongame species using a pole and line, then you cannot take 20 nongame species via snaring. If you have taken 20 nongame species via snaring, then you can only take an additional 30 nongame species using a pole and line, or other line method.

On the Current River from Cedar Grove downstream to the Arkansas line, only 5 hogsuckers may be included in a daily limit.

On Lake of the Ozarks and it tributaries, Osage River below U.S. Highway 54, and Truman Lake and its tributaries, gigging, snaring, and snagging for any species is not allowed after taking and possessing the daily limit of 2 paddlefish.

Goldfish, bighead carp, common carp,  grass carp, and silver carp may be possessed in any number and do not count in the daily or possession limit.

Bighead carp, common carp, grass carp, and silver carp that jump from the water into a boat or onto land may also be taken and possessed in any number.

Bowfin must remain whole and intact while on state waters or adjacent banks.

In the Osage River downstream from U.S. Highway 54 to the Missouri River and in the Lake of the Ozarks and Harry S. Truman Reservoir,
nongame fish may be taken by snagging, snaring, and grabbing from March 15 through April 30.

On the Mississippi River, nongame fish may be taken by snagging, snaring, and grabbing from March 15 through May 15 and Sept. 15
through Dec. 15.

Alligator gar are a protected species in Missouri. It is illegal to take and possess them.

Nongame Fish: Underwater Spear: Impounded Waters and Temporary Overflow January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2025

Sunrise to sunset

Daily limit: 20
Possession limit: 40, except on the Mississippi River which has a daily and possession limit of 100.

The daily limit is the combined total of all nongame species taken by all nongame methods. If you have taken 50 nongame species using a pole and line, then you cannot take 20 nongame species using an underwater spear. If you have taken 20 nongame species via underwater spear, then you can only take an additional 30 nongame species using a pole and line, or other line method.

On the Current River from Cedar Grove downstream to the Arkansas line, only 5 hogsuckers may be included in a daily limit.

Goldfish, bighead carp, common carp, grass carp, and silver carp may be possessed in any number and do not count in the daily or possession limit.

Bighead carp, common carp, grass carp, and silver carp that jump from the water into a boat or onto land may also be taken and possessed in any number.

Bowfin must remain whole and intact while on state waters or adjacent banks.

Applies to underwater spear fishing in impounded waters and bodies of water produced by the temporary overflow of a river or ditch.

Alligator gar are a protected species in Missouri. It is illegal to take and possess them.