Green Infrastructure


Green infrastructure uses vegetation, soils, landscape features, and often simple technologies to provide environmental services within a community. It is a way of building nature into your town that will dress up or eliminate barren areas of asphalt, concrete, and drainpipes while serving important ecological functions. 


Benefits of Green Infrastructure

  • Effective stormwater drainage
  • Cleaner air
  • Erosion prevention
  • Reduction of heat associated with concrete and asphalt
  • Financial savings 
  • Higher property values
  • More trails and outdoor recreation opportunities
  • Habitat for local and migratory birds and other wildlife

Examples of Green Infrastructure

  • Vegetation on the roofs of buildings to absorb rainwater and provide insulation
  • Permeable pavement designed to drain water
  • Strips of vegetation planted in key locations to absorb runoff, filter pollutants, and reduce erosion
  • Trees planted along streets and parking lots to provide shade and reduce urban heat
  • Wetlands constructed as part of a wastewater management system

Incorporating green infrastructure may be easier than you think. Contact your local MDC office for more information.

Native plants and rocks in dry streambed between sidewalk and parking lot.

Bioswales provide drainage and also add beauty. 

Additional Resources