Seed Buying List

Flowering dogwood berries

State Forest Nursery Seed Buying List and Information for Fiscal Year 2025

Call Before Collecting — Seed Buying Stops When Needs Are Met

Please call the nursery before you collect any seed. We are anticipating a decent crop of seed on many species, so buying may start and end very quickly. We will stop buying once we reach the amount of seed we need for the next planting season.


Pick Mature Seed, Not Green Seed

Remember, don’t pick seed early (green). We will not accept seed that we determine is not mature. Hazelnut has been collected too early in prior years, and it’s critical that the seed be light brown and loose from the husk. We will not be buying hazelnut with green or partially green husks.

Questions About Seeds or Seed Quality

We will reject seed that has leaves, twigs, and other trash and seed that is of poor quality or not mature. If you have questions about any seed, bring in a sample and we can identify it and show you what we need. If you need advice on how to check the seed to make sure it is good, please call the nursery.

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George O. White State Forest Nursery

Address: 14027 Shafer Road, Licking, MO 65542

Phone number: 573-674-3229


Prices and Species Listed Are for the State Forest Nursery Only

The prices and species listed below are the price delivered to the George O. White State Forest Nursery. Seed buying at other locations around the state may start sooner or later than the dates listed below. Each buying station will only be purchasing selected species based on need and location. 

The starting dates for each species are approximate dates based on when the seed may be mature. The timing of seed maturity varies from year to year, so it is important that you wait until the seed is mature before collecting. If you think it is ripening earlier in your area, please call the nursery to see if you can collect it earlier than the below listed dates.


SpeciesPriceDate we will begin buying Special notes
Aromatic/Fragrant sumac$7.00/lb.June 5, 2024 
Serviceberry$7.00/lb.June 5, 2024Fruit must be ripe — purple to black in color.
Red mulberry$6.00/lb.June 12, 2024 
Black cherry$6.00/lb.July 10, 2024Fruit must be ripe — black in color.
Wild plum$1.95/lb.July 10, 2024Plum must be ripe — yellow, red or orange. No partially green fruit will be accepted.
Elderberry$4.25/lb.July 31, 2024Fruit must be ripe — purple to black in color, and fruit only, no clusters.
Witch-hazel$4.50/lb.Aug. 14, 2024Seed inside pod must be black in color.
Spicebush$4.25/lb.Aug. 28, 2024 
Hazelnut$4.75/lb.Aug. 28, 2024Seed must be mature, light brown, and easily pulled from the husk. No green or partially green husks will be accepted. Please be patient and allow the seed to mature on the plant.
Flowering dogwood$5.00/lb.Sept. 11, 2024 
Gray dogwood$5.00/lb.Sept. 11, 2024 
Rough-leaved dogwood$4.75/lb.Sept. 11, 2024 
Mixed hickory$0.75/lb.Sept. 11, 2024 
Shellbark hickory$0.90/lb.Sept. 11, 2024 
Persimmon$0.75/lb.Sept. 11, 2024Persimmon fruit must be ripe — yellow, red, or orange. No partially green fruit will be accepted.
Redbud$4.00/lb. in podsSept. 11, 2024Pods must be brown and have on average three seeds per pod that are light brown and filled, not black. Green seed pods will not be accepted.
Pawpaw$1.50/lb.Sept. 11, 2024Fruit must be ripe (soft). If too firm, it will not be accepted.
White oak$0.95/lb.Sept. 25, 2024 
Chinkapin oak$2.50/lb.Sept. 25, 2024 
Post oak$1.50/lb.Sept. 25, 2024 
Butternut$3.00/lb.Sept. 25, 2024 
Ohio buckeye (without hulls)$0.95/lb.Sept. 25, 2024 
Red buckeye (without hulls)$0.95/lb.Sept. 25, 2024 
Eastern wahoo$6.50/lb.Sept. 25, 2024 
Black oak$0.85/lb.Oct. 2, 2024 
Shumard oak$0.95/lb.Oct. 2, 2024  
Northern red oak$0.95/lb.Oct. 2, 2024  
Bur oak$1.10/lb.Oct. 2, 2024 
Pin oak$1.25/lb.Oct. 2, 2024 
Cherrybark oak$1.85/lb.Oct. 2, 2024 
Nuttall’s oak$1.85/lb.Oct. 2, 2024 
Swamp white oak$1.50/lb.Oct. 2, 2024  
Swamp chestnut oak$1.50/lb.Oct. 2, 2024 
Overcup oak$1.50/lb.Oct. 2, 2024 
Willow oak$1.85/lb.Oct. 2, 2024 
Bald cypress$6.25/lb.Oct. 23, 2024Must be collected from trees within 50 feet of a permanent water source.
Deciduous holly$4.50/lb.Oct. 23, 2024 
Kentucky coffee tree$8.00/lb.Nov. 27, 2024No pods — clean seed only.