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Department staff answer questions and address concerns via AskMDC, a service you can access through regular mail, telephone, email, and online. Selected questions and answers appear monthly in the Missouri Conservationist, where you can find all AskMDC contact information.

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Your Information
Enter a phone number where we can reach you, if needed.
Format: (555) 555-5555
Do you live in Missouri?
If needed, staff will be able to direct your comment/question to the correct person when a county is selected.
Subscription Address
To help circulation staff locate your subscription in their system, please enter your address.
Permit Card/Hunter Education Numbers
ID Info
In order to find your information, we will need your date of birth and, if you took hunter education in another state, a copy of your Hunter Education Certificate.
Your date of birth will help us find your information.
Please upload a picture of your hunter education card issued by another state.
One file only.
100 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, png.
Please be as detailed as possible in your comment/question.

View or obtain copies of Department of Conservation records:

Public Records Requests

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Not sure what that plant or animal was? Send us a photo:

Invasive Plant and Animal ID

Submit your Missouri nature photo to appear in an upcoming issue of the Missouri Conservationist.

Submit Your Photo

Find out what apps are available and/or comment on the app.

Find Out More

To report poaching, arson, or other illegal activities, please call us immediately at 1-800-392-1111.

More information on Illegal Activity

Regulations are established to manage Missouri’s valuable plant and animal communities, to provide equal opportunity to share and enjoy these resources, and to promote public safety.

Browse Regulations and Comment

The Discover Nature Fishing coordinator for your county will contact you.

Use this form to request a speaker come talk to your organization.

Request a Speaker form >>

Report an observation of sick or dead wildlife.

Report a Wildlife Health Event