Turkey: Spring Managed Hunts


Before you apply

  • To apply, you must be 11 years old or older by the date of the managed hunt.
  • You must be 11 to 15 years of age to participate in a youth-only managed hunt.
  • Some managed hunts require hunters to attend a mandatory pre-hunt orientation. If you cannot attend the orientation, do not apply.
  • You may apply for only one managed hunt. You may apply individually or with one other youth for a youth-only managed hunt. You may apply individually or with up to two other hunters for other managed hunts.
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When to Apply

Apply during the entire month of February.


Step 1: Designate one member of your group to go online. That person must have ready the following information:

  • The number of the preferred hunt.
  • The date, location, and method of the hunt
  • The nine-digit Conservation ID number of each hunter in the group. If you need an ID number, call 573-522-0107 during regular business hours to have one assigned. Note: A Social Security number is not the same as a Conservation ID number. Your Conservation ID number is located on the front of your Permit Card or the back of your Conservation Heritage Card below the barcode.

Step 2: Go online to the Managed Hunt Application. If you correctly enter all the required information, you will receive a message confirming your application.


From March 15 through May 10, check the Managed Hunts Draw Results. Be prepared to enter your nine-digit Conservation ID number (the same ID number you used when you applied). All successful applicants will receive via email an area map and information regarding the hunt. If an email address is not available, hunt information will be sent by mail. If your email or mailing address changes, call the Department during business hours at 573)-522-0107.


  • If you cannot attend, another hunter cannot take your place. Only those hunters who applied and were drawn may attend.
  • Individuals not drawn for a managed spring turkey hunt may not accompany a hunter who was successfully drawn. Exception: Youth hunters who are successfully drawn must be accompanied by an adult mentor (age 18 or older) who is hunter-education certified or exempt. The mentor does not need a permit if the managed hunt occurs during youth turkey season but must possess a filled or unfilled spring turkey hunting permit if the managed hunt occurs during the regular season.
  • Bag limit: 1 male turkey or turkey with visible beard. Note: A turkey taken at a managed hunt counts toward the two-bird season limit. For example, if you take a turkey during a managed hunt before April 28, you may not harvest another turkey during the first week of the regular season.

Youth-only managed hunts are for youths ages 11 to 15. Youth may apply for these hunts individually or with one other youth. Youth who apply for a youth-only hunt may not apply for a regular, non-youth managed hunt.

All youth hunters must be accompanied by an adult mentor (age 18 or older) who will hunt with them. Department staff will attempt to find a mentor if the youth does not have one but cannot guarantee a mentor for each youth hunter. The mentor must attend the pre-hunt orientation if one is required. The mentor must be hunter-education certified unless they were born before Jan. 1, 1967.