Permit Auto-Renewal


Sign Up for Auto-Renewal

  • Never get caught with an expired permit again!
  • You can enroll eligible permits to automatically renew prior to the start of the next season or permit year.
  • Auto-renewal is completely voluntary.


If you enroll, you will be notified by email

  • Thirty days and seven days before your permits are renewed
  • After your permits are successfully renewed
  • Whenever you make a change to your auto-renewals
Enroll your permits

Log In

Log into the Permit system and select "Manage your account."

Then select "Manage your Auto-Renewal Settings".

If you haven't purchased permits online before, you will need to select "Manage Your Profile" and add an email address.

Manage your account button for permits
manage your auto-renewals screenshot

Add Your Payment Method

If you don't have auto-renewal set on your account, you will be prompted to set up your payment information.

screenshot of Add Payment Method button

Select the Permits You Want Enrolled in Auto-Renewal

Add the permits you want to enroll in Auto-Renewal.

Screenshot of auto-renewal permit selector

Accept the Terms and Conditions

Agree to the Permit Auto-Renewal Service Terms and Conditions to complete Auto-Renewal.

screenshot of terms and conditions
Update or cancel your Auto-Renewal

Change your payment method

  1. Log in
  2. Go to "Manage Your Auto-Renewal Settings"
  3. Select "Update payment method" and add new payment information.

Cancel your auto-renewals

  1. Log In
  2. Go to "Manage Your Auto-Renewal Settings".
  3. Toggle the Permits Eligible for Auto-Renewal to Off
  4. Save

After you save and accept the confirmation to cancel, your payment method will be deleted and Auto-Renewal will be turned off. You will get an  email confirming your cancellation.

Eligible Permits

Annual Hunting and Fishing Permits

  • Resident Hunting and Fishing
  • Resident Fishing
  • White River Border Lakes
  • Nonresident Fishing
  • Trout Permit (Including Youth)
  • Resident Small Game Hunting
  • Nonresident Small Game Hunting
  • Resident Trapping
  • Nonresident Furbearer Hunting and Trapping



Deer and Turkey Permits

  • Resident Spring Turkey Hunting (Including Youth)
  • Nonresident Spring Turkey Hunting (Including Youth)
  • Resident Fall Turkey Hunting (Including Youth)
  • Nonresident Fall Turkey Hunting (Including Youth)
  • Resident Archer’s Hunting (Including Youth)
  • Nonresident Archer’s Hunting (Including Youth)
  • Resident Firearms Any Deer Hunting (Including Youth)
  • Nonresident Firearms Any Deer Hunting (Including Youth)
Ineligible Permits

These permits are not eligible for Auto-renewal:

  • Conservation Permit Card: It never expires and can be repurchased
  • Daily Fishing/Hunting Permits: Fishing and hunting trip dates change from year to year
  • Antlerless Permits (Archery/Firearms): County and season regulations are subject to change.
  • Landowner Permits: Property ownership is subject to change.
  • Migratory Bird Permit: Fulfillment of the Harvest Information Program (HIP) survey.
  • Conservation Order
  • Electronic Federal Duck Stamp: Fulfillment requirements for the physical stamp.
  • License Plate Authorizations: Variances in license plate renewal dates.