Call to Action (CTA) Intent and Usage
Call-to-action components (CTAs) are used to augment core content on a page, providing quick view or information "at a glance." Like an accordion, they support the definition of a header/title and content within, which is populated with a rich text editor. Unlike accordions, they do not have expand/collapse behavior. CTAs also feature an icon for visual interest and context.
On the MDC website, CTAs are often used to draw the reader's attention to something of critical importance or to highlight information that the content creator wants to stand out.
Call-to-Action Design Guidelines
- Icon is selected by content manager from a pre-set list, managed via taxonomy.
- Colors are pre-set and not editable by the content manager for consistency, brand specificity and accessibility.
Call-to-Action Content Guidelines
- Where to Find should be on all Field Guide pages.
- Hunting Season should be automatic based on date range.

Sparse across most of the state. Most common in the Central Dissected Till Plains (in northern Missouri) and Osage Plains (in western Missouri).
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Currently out of season.
Cervidae (deer) in the order Artiodactyla
April - November
Hunting Season:
Varies per season type, generally November - December.
Find us in timbered areas, especially at the borders of clearings.