Points to Remember
- You must have your signed permits on hand when you go afield to hunt.
- You may use the MO Hunting app to carry your permits afield.
- Permits cannot be exchanged or refunded.
- Deer permits may be used in any order, and multiple permits may be filled on the same day, except during the early youth portion when only one deer may be taken.
- Before purchasing antlerless deer hunting permits, nonresidents must first purchase a Nonresident Firearms Any-Deer Hunting Permit, Nonresident Landowner Firearms Any-Deer Hunting Permit, Nonresident Managed Deer Hunting Permit, Nonresident Archer’s Hunting Permit, or Nonresident Landowner Archer’s Hunting Permit, depending on the type of antlerless permit they want to use.
- Residents do not have to purchase a Resident Firearms Any-Deer Hunting Permit or Resident Archer’s Hunting Permit before purchasing antlerless deer hunting permits.
- You do not have to purchase any-deer and antlerless deer permits at the same time.
- Resident landowners may obtain no-cost resident landowner permits.
- Nonresident landowners may obtain reduced-cost permits.
Hunter-Education Requirement
You must complete an approved hunter-education course before you can purchase firearms deer and turkey hunting permits unless:
- You were born before Jan. 1, 1967.
- You are 6 to 15 years old. Please see additional requirements found in “Youth Permits.” You must be 11 years old or older to enroll in Missouri’s hunter-education course.
- You are 16 years or older and are using an Apprentice Hunter Authorization. Please see additional requirements found in “Apprentice Hunter Authorization.”
- You are using resident landowner permits and hunting on land you own. Note: If you are mentoring a hunter who is not hunter-education certified and not using landowner permits, you must be at least 18 years old and hunter-education certified even if you are hunting on your own land. Mentors born before Jan. 1, 1967, are exempt from this requirement.
- You have a developmental disability. See Rule 3 CSR 10-5.205 of the Wildlife Code of Missouri.
Youth Permits
Youths must be 6 years or older to hunt deer or turkeys. Youth age 6 through 15 can purchase resident or nonresident deer and turkey hunting permits at reduced prices.
If a youth is hunter-education certified, he or she may hunt alone. However, if a youth is not hunter-education certified, he or she must hunt in the immediate presence of an adult who has a valid hunter-education certification card or was born before Jan. 1, 1967.
The adult does not need a permit during the youth portions of firearms deer season. (Adults may not hunt deer with a firearm during the youth portions.) At all other times during the fall deer and turkey seasons, the adult must be properly licensed.
Adults accompanying youth deer hunters must wear hunter orange. Regardless of age, youth hunters must be able to hold, aim, and shoot by themselves.
Purchasing Permits
You may purchase your deer hunting permits beginning July 1 using any of the methods below.
- Over the counter from any permit vendor. Buy early to avoid long lines. No surcharges will be assessed.
- Online any time. Use your credit card to pay. No surcharges will be assessed. Print your permit at home and have it in hand immediately.
- From your smartphone using the MO Hunting app. Use your credit card to pay. No surcharges will be assessed. Your permit will appear on the app immediately after purchase.
- By telephone at 800-392-4115. Use your credit card and pay a $1 surcharge. Allow 10 days for delivery.
Replacing Permits
If you lose your permit, simply download the MO Hunting app to your Android or Apple mobile device, log in with your Conservation number, and a valid, electronic version of your permit will appear on the app. Permits purchased online at home can be saved on a personal computer and reprinted for free. Replacement permits can also be purchased from any vendor for $2.
- Deer: Two deer of either sex, but only one antlered deer may be taken before the main November portion of firearms deer season. NOTE: You may take only two antlered deer during the archery and firearms deer hunting seasons combined.
- Furbearers: See Seasons for prescribed limits. Hunters may sell furbearers harvested under this permit. Nonresidents may not harvest furbearers with this permit.
- Small game: See Seasons for prescribed limits.
Youth permit is available for resident and nonresident youth hunters.
See if you qualify for a landowner permit.
- DemographicResidentPrice$20.50
- DemographicResident LandownerPrice$0.00
- DemographicNonresidentPrice$288.00
- DemographicNonresident LandownerPrice$212.00
- DemographicYouth (6-15)Price$10.25
One antlerless deer during archery deer season in open counties. See map.
You may purchase any number of these permits. Nonresidents must purchase a Nonresident Archer's Hunting Permit or Nonresident Landowner Archer's Hunting Permit before purchasing this permit.
Youth permit is available for resident and nonresident youth hunters.
See if you qualify for a resident landowner permit.
- DemographicResidentPrice$7.50
- DemographicResident LandownerPrice$0.00
- DemographicNonresidentPrice$27.00
- DemographicYouth (6-15)Price$3.75
One antlered or antlerless deer
Youth permit is available for resident and nonresident youth hunters.
- DemographicResidentPrice$18.00
- DemographicResident LandownerPrice$0.00
- DemographicNonresidentPrice$288.00
- DemographicNonresident LandownerPrice$212.00
- DemographicYouth (6-15)Price$9.00
One antlerless deer
Each county limits the number of antlerless deer hunting permits you can fill during the entire firearms season. See map.
Nonresidents must purchase a Nonresident Firearms Any-Deer Hunting Permit, a Nonresident Landowner Firearms Any-Deer Hunting Permit, or a Nonresident Managed Deer Hunting Permit before buying this nonresident permit.
Youth permit is available for resident and nonresident youth hunters.
See if you qualify for a resident landowner permit.
- DemographicResidentPrice$7.50
- DemographicResident LandownerPrice$0.00
- DemographicNonresidentPrice$27.00
- DemographicYouth (6-15)Price$3.75
Limits vary by managed hunt. Check the rules for the hunt for which you were drawn.
Deer taken at a managed hunt do not count toward your archery or firearms season limits.
This permit is required for hunters participating in most managed deer hunts. See the Fall Deer and Turkey Hunting Regulations Booklet for exceptions and for more information.
Youth permit is available for resident and nonresident youth hunters.
Permits are available Aug. 15 to successful managed hunt applicants.
- DemographicResidentPrice$18.00
- DemographicNonresidentPrice$288.00
- DemographicYouth (6-15)Price$9.00