Deer: Firearms: Antlerless Portions

Season Not Open
October 10, 2025 - October 12, 2025
December 6, 2025 - December 14, 2025

One-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset

  • Only antlerless deer may be harvested during the Antlerless. 
  • Each county limits the number of antlerless deer hunting permits you can fill during the entire firearms season. See antlerless regulations.
Permit Notes

Resident and nonresident youths ages 6-15 are eligible to purchase a half-priced Archer's Hunting Permits and Archery Antlerless Deer Hunting Permits.


Deer: Firearms: Allowed Methods


Centerfire pistols, revolvers or rifles using expanding-type bullets; legal ammunition includes lead bullets, copper bullets and bullets made of other material designed to expand.

Shotguns (including .410) with slugs only

Air-powered firearms, .40 caliber or larger, charged only from an external high compression power source (external hand pump, air tank, or air compressor)

Muzzleloading or cap-and-ball firearms, .40 caliber or larger and capable of firing only a single projectile at one discharge; in-lines and scopes are allowed.

Multiple-barreled muzzleloading or cap-and-ball firearms and/or muzzleloading or cap-and-ball handguns, including revolvers, .40 caliber or larger, are allowed and may be carried in addition to a muzzleloading or cap-and-ball rifle.

Longbows, compound bows, and recurve bows of any draw weight; hand-held string releasing devices, illuminated sights, scopes, and quickpoint sights are allowed.



Deer: Firearms: Prohibited Methods


Self-loading firearms with capacity of more than 11 cartridges in magazine and chamber combined

Ammunition propelling more than one projectile at a single discharge (such as buckshot)

Full hard metal case projectiles

Fully automatic firearms

Any sighting device that casts a beam of light on the game

Electronic calls or electronically activated calls

Night vision equipment

Use of bait

Use of dogs

Additional methods may be prohibited by local ordinances.

Motor driven conveyances may not be used to take, drive or molest wildlife. Deer may not be hunted from a boat with a motor attached.

Learn more about the species