- Bear hunting permits are distributed by random drawing. Only Missouri residents may apply and purchase a permit.
- You must have your signed permit on hand when you go afield to hunt.
- You may use the MO Hunting app to carry your permits afield.
- Permits cannot be transferred, exchanged, or refunded.
- This permit is only valid in the Black Bear Management Zone specified on the permit.
- There is NOT a separate landowner permit. Landowners will follow the same procedure to enter the random drawing as general applicants and if awarded a black bear hunting permit, may hunt anywhere within the specified Black Bear Management Zone.
Random Drawing for Bear Hunting Permits
- Black bear hunting permits are allocated through a random drawing.
- You must be a Missouri resident to apply.
- The application period is May 1–31. Results are available beginning July 1.
- It costs $10 to apply. This fee is nonrefundable.
- You must apply for a specific Black Bear Management Zone.
- You may submit only one application per year.
- Only one hunter is allowed per application.
- You cannot transfer (give) your permit to another hunter.
- Please do not apply if you won’t be able to hunt.
- To apply, visit mdc.mo.gov/buypermits.
Hunter-Education Requirement
You must complete an approved hunter-education course before you can purchase a black bear hunting permit unless:
- You were born before Jan. 1, 1967.
- You have a developmental disability. See Rule 3 CSR 10-5.205 of the Wildlife Code of Missouri.
If you can prove you completed a hunter-education course in another state, you are not required to take Missouri’s course. You must be 11 years or older to enroll in Missouri’s hunter-education course. For more information, visit mdc.mo.gov/huntereducation.
Purchasing Permits
If you have been selected to participate in the black bear hunting season, you may purchase your permit beginning July 1 using any of the methods below, provided you have met the hunter-education requirement.
- Over the counter from any permit vendor. No surcharges will be assessed.
- Online anytime at mdc.mo.gov/buypermits. Use your credit card to pay. No surcharges will be assessed. Print your permit at home and have it in hand immediately.
- From your smartphone using the free MO Hunting app (see box on this page). Use your credit card to pay. No surcharges will be assessed. Your permit will appear on the app immediately after purchase.
- By telephone at 800-392-4115. Use your credit card and pay a $1 surcharge. Allow 10 days for delivery.
Replacing a Lost Permit
If you lose your permit, simply download the MO Hunting app to your Android or Apple mobile device, log in with your Conservation Number, and a valid, electronic version of your permit will appear on the app. Any active, valid permit can be reprinted from home at mdc.mo.gov/buypermits. Replacement permits can also be purchased from any vendor for $2.
Those that are selected to receive a permit may take one (1) black bear of either sex within the zone specified on the permit.
One black bear of either sex with the following restrictions:
- You are required to call 800-668-4045 to determine the daily season quota/closure status prior to hunting each day. In addition, if the harvest has reached or exceeded 80 percent of the harvest quota, the director of the Conservation Department may close hunting within that Black Bear Management Zone on the following day.
- Once the harvest quota is met or the Director closes the season for the BMZ in which you are hunting, the season is over, and you may not harvest a black bear.
- Black bears that have taken refuge in a den may not be harvested or harassed.
- Only lone black bears may be harvested. You may not harvest a bear that is with one or more other bears, including female bears with cubs.
You are required to call 800-668-4045 to determine the daily season quota/closure status prior to hunting each day. In addition, if the harvest has reached or exceeded 80 percent of the harvest quota, the director of the Conservation Department may close hunting within that Black Bear Management Zone on the following day.
Only Missouri residents 11 years of age and older who have completed an approved hunter education course (or were born before Jan. 1, 1967) are eligible to purchase a resident black bear hunting permit.
All persons hunting black bear and their companions must wear a cap or hat and a shirt, vest, or coat of the color commonly known as hunter orange, which must be plainly visible from all sides. Camouflage orange does not satisfy this rule.
Permit is valid only in the Black Bear Management Zone specified on the permit.