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Wildlife Code
Chapter 1: Organization and Methods of Operation
- 3 CSR 10- 1.010: Organization and Methods of Operation
Chapter 2: Forest Crop Lands
- 3 CSR 10- 2.020: Classification and Requirements of Forest Crop Lands After December 1974
Chapter 3: Monetary Values Established for Fish and Wildlife
- 3 CSR 10- 3.010: Monetary Values Established for Fish and Wildlife
Chapter 4: General Provisions
- 3 CSR 10- 4.105: Title; Authority
- 3 CSR 10- 4.110: General Prohibition; Applications
- 3 CSR 10- 4.111: Endangered Species
- 3 CSR 10- 4.113: Ginseng
- 3 CSR 10- 4.117: Prohibited Species
- 3 CSR 10- 4.118: Public Use of Certain Department Buildings
- 3 CSR 10- 4.120: Boundary Waters
- 3 CSR 10- 4.125: Inspection
- 3 CSR 10- 4.130: Owner May Protect Property; Public Safety
- 3 CSR 10- 4.135: Transportation
- 3 CSR 10- 4.136: Giving Away Wildlife
- 3 CSR 10- 4.137: Wildlife Identification
- 3 CSR 10- 4.138: Possession and Daily Limit
- 3 CSR 10- 4.140: Possession, Storage and Processing
- 3 CSR 10- 4.141: Right to Possess Wildlife
- 3 CSR 10- 4.145: Preparing and Serving Wildlife
- 3 CSR 10- 4.150: Legality of Wildlife Taken Outside of Missouri
- 3 CSR 10- 4.200: Chronic Wasting Disease; Management Zone
Chapter 5: Permits
- 3 CSR 10- 5.205: Permits Required; Exceptions
- 3 CSR 10- 5.210: Permits to be Signed and Carried
- 3 CSR 10- 5.215: Permits and Privileges: How Obtained; Not Transferable
- 3 CSR 10- 5.216: Permits and Privileges: Revocation
- 3 CSR 10- 5.220: Resident and Nonresident Permits
- 3 CSR 10- 5.222: Youth Pricing: Deer and Turkey Permits
- 3 CSR 10- 5.225: Permits: Permit Issuing Agents; Service Fees; Other Provisions
- 3 CSR 10- 5.250: Daily Hunting or Fishing Tags
- 3 CSR 10- 5.300: Apprentice Hunter Authorization
- 3 CSR 10- 5.310: Resident Lifetime Conservation Partner Permit
- 3 CSR 10- 5.315: Resident Lifetime Fishing Permit
- 3 CSR 10- 5.320: Resident Lifetime Small Game Hunting Permit
- 3 CSR 10- 5.324: Resident Lifetime Trapping Permit
- 3 CSR 10- 5.330: Resident Small Game Hunting and Fishing Permit
- 3 CSR 10- 5.331: Resident National Guard and Reserve Service Small Game Hunting and Fishing Permit
- 3 CSR 10- 5.340: Resident Fishing Permit
- 3 CSR 10- 5.345: Resident Small Game Hunting Permit
- 3 CSR 10- 5.351: Resident Firearms Any-Deer Hunting Permit
- 3 CSR 10- 5.352: Resident Firearms Antlerless Deer Hunting Permit
- 3 CSR 10- 5.359: Resident Managed Deer Hunting Permit
- 3 CSR 10- 5.360: Resident Archer’s Hunting Permit
- 3 CSR 10- 5.365: Resident Turkey Hunting Permits
- 3 CSR 10- 5.370: Resident Trapping Permit
- 3 CSR 10- 5.425: Resident Archery Antlerless Deer Hunting Permit
- 3 CSR 10- 5.430: Trout Permit
- 3 CSR 10- 5.435: Migratory Bird Hunting Permit
- 3 CSR 10- 5.436: Resident Conservation Order Permit
- 3 CSR 10- 5.440: Daily Fishing Permit
- 3 CSR 10- 5.445: Daily Small Game Hunting Permit
- 3 CSR 10- 5.460: Licensed Hunting Preserve Hunting Permit
- 3 CSR 10- 5.465: Three-Day Licensed Hunting Preserve Hunting Permit
- 3 CSR 10- 5.535: White River Border Lakes Permit
- 3 CSR 10- 5.540: Nonresident Fishing Permit
- 3 CSR 10- 5.545: Nonresident Small Game Hunting Permit
- 3 CSR 10- 5.551: Nonresident Firearms Any-Deer Hunting Permit
- 3 CSR 10- 5.552: Nonresident Firearms Antlerless Deer Hunting Permit
- 3 CSR 10- 5.554: Nonresident Archery Antlerless Deer Hunting Permit
- 3 CSR 10- 5.559: Nonresident Managed Deer Hunting Permit
- 3 CSR 10- 5.560: Nonresident Archer’s Hunting Permit
- 3 CSR 10- 5.565: Nonresident Turkey Hunting Permits
- 3 CSR 10- 5.567: Nonresident Conservation Order Permit
- 3 CSR 10- 5.570: Nonresident Furbearer Hunting and Trapping Permit
- 3 CSR 10- 5.576: Nonresident Landowner Firearms Any-Deer Hunting Permit
- 3 CSR 10- 5.579: Nonresident Landowner Turkey Hunting Permits
- 3 CSR 10- 5.580: Nonresident Landowner Archer’s Hunting Permit
- 3 CSR 10- 5.600: Resident Firearms Deer Management Assistance Program Permit
- 3 CSR 10- 5.605: Nonresident Firearms Deer Management Assistance Program Permit
- 3 CSR 10- 5.700: Resident Antlered Elk Hunting Permit
- 3 CSR 10- 5.705: Resident Landowner Antlered Elk Hunting Permit
- 3 CSR 10- 5.710: Resident Antlerless Elk Hunting Permit
- 3 CSR 10- 5.800: Resident Ginseng Harvester Permit
- 3 CSR 10- 5.805: Nonresident Ginseng Harvester Permit
- 3 CSR 10- 5.900: Resident Black Bear Hunting Permit
Chapter 6: Sport Fishing: Seasons, Methods, Limits
- 3 CSR 10- 6.405: General Provisions
- 3 CSR 10- 6.410: Fishing Methods
- 3 CSR 10- 6.415: Restricted Zones
- 3 CSR 10- 6.505: Black Bass
- 3 CSR 10- 6.510: Channel Catfish, Blue Catfish, Flathead Catfish
- 3 CSR 10- 6.515: Crappie
- 3 CSR 10- 6.520: Muskellunge, Northern Pike, Grass Pickerel, Chain Pickerel
- 3 CSR 10- 6.525: Paddlefish
- 3 CSR 10- 6.530: Goggle-eye (Ozark Bass, Rock Bass and Shadow Bass) and Warmouth
- 3 CSR 10- 6.533: Shovelnose Sturgeon
- 3 CSR 10- 6.535: Trout
- 3 CSR 10- 6.540: Walleye and Sauger
- 3 CSR 10- 6.545: White Bass, Yellow Bass, Striped Bass
- 3 CSR 10- 6.550: Other Fish
- 3 CSR 10- 6.605: Live Bait
- 3 CSR 10- 6.610: Mussels and Clams
- 3 CSR 10- 6.615: Bullfrogs and Green Frogs
- 3 CSR 10- 6.620: Turtles
Chapter 7: Hunting: Seasons, Methods, Limits
- 3 CSR 10- 7.405: General Provisions
- 3 CSR 10- 7.410: Hunting Methods
- 3 CSR 10- 7.412: Landowner Application
- 3 CSR 10- 7.415: Quail: Seasons, Limits
- 3 CSR 10- 7.420: Rabbits: Seasons, Limits
- 3 CSR 10- 7.425: Squirrels: Seasons, Limits
- 3 CSR 10- 7.427: Groundhogs: Seasons, Limits
- 3 CSR 10- 7.430: Pheasants: Seasons, Limits
- 3 CSR 10- 7.431: Deer Hunting Seasons: General Provisions
- 3 CSR 10- 7.432: Deer: Archery Hunting Season
- 3 CSR 10- 7.433: Deer: Firearms Hunting Seasons
- 3 CSR 10- 7.434: Deer: Landowner Privileges
- 3 CSR 10- 7.435: Deer: Special Harvest Provisions
- 3 CSR 10- 7.436: Deer: Managed Hunts
- 3 CSR 10- 7.437: Deer: Antlerless Deer Hunting Permit Availability
- 3 CSR 10- 7.438: Deer: Regulations for Department Areas
- 3 CSR 10- 7.439: Deer: Chronic Wasting Disease Management Program; Permit Availability, Methods, Limits
- 3 CSR 10- 7.440: Migratory Game Birds and Waterfowl: Seasons, Limits
- 3 CSR 10- 7.441: Crows: Seasons, Methods, Limits
- 3 CSR 10- 7.445: Bullfrogs and Green Frogs: Seasons, Methods, Limits
- 3 CSR 10- 7.450: Furbearers: Hunting Seasons, Methods
- 3 CSR 10- 7.455: Turkeys: Seasons, Methods, Limits
- 3 CSR 10- 7.600: Deer Management Assistance Program
- 3 CSR 10- 7.700: Elk Hunting Seasons: General Provisions
- 3 CSR 10- 7.705: Elk: Hunting Season
- 3 CSR 10- 7.710: Elk: Landowner Privileges
- 3 CSR 10- 7.715: Elk: Regulations for Department Areas
- 3 CSR 10- 7.900: Black Bear Hunting Season: General Provisions
- 3 CSR 10- 7.905: Black Bear Hunting Season: Application and Draw Process
Chapter 8: Trapping: Seasons, Methods
- 3 CSR 10- 8.505: Trapping
- 3 CSR 10- 8.510: Use of Traps
- 3 CSR 10- 8.515: Furbearers: Trapping Seasons
Chapter 9: Confined Wildlife: Privileges, Permits, Standards
- 3 CSR 10- 9.105: General Provisions
- 3 CSR 10- 9.106: Confined Wildlife Permits: How Obtained, Replacements
- 3 CSR 10- 9.110: General Prohibition; Applications
- 3 CSR 10- 9.220: Wildlife Confinement Standards
- 3 CSR 10- 9.223: Wildlife Movement: Certification, Requirements
- 3 CSR 10- 9.230: Class I Wildlife
- 3 CSR 10- 9.240: Class II Wildlife
- 3 CSR 10- 9.350: Class I Wildlife Breeder Permit
- 3 CSR 10- 9.351: Class II Wildlife Breeder Permit
- 3 CSR 10- 9.352: Class III Wildlife Breeder Permit
- 3 CSR 10- 9.353: Privileges of Class I and Class II Wildlife Breeders
- 3 CSR 10- 9.354: Privileges of Class III Wildlife Breeders
- 3 CSR 10- 9.359: Class I and Class II Wildlife Breeder: Records Required
- 3 CSR 10- 9.370: Wildlife Exhibitor Permit
- 3 CSR 10- 9.415: Wildlife Rehabilitation Permit
- 3 CSR 10- 9.420: Wildlife Hobby Permit
- 3 CSR 10- 9.425: Wildlife Collector’s Permit
- 3 CSR 10- 9.430: Bird Banding
- 3 CSR 10- 9.440: Resident Falconry Permit
- 3 CSR 10- 9.442: Falconry
- 3 CSR 10- 9.560: Licensed Hunting Preserve Permit
- 3 CSR 10- 9.565: Licensed Hunting Preserve: Privileges
- 3 CSR 10- 9.566: Licensed Hunting Preserve: Records Required
- 3 CSR 10- 9.570: Hound Running Area Operator and Dealer Permit
- 3 CSR 10- 9.575: Hound Running Area: Privileges, Requirements
- 3 CSR 10- 9.625: Field Trial Permit
- 3 CSR 10- 9.627: Dog Training Area Permit
- 3 CSR 10- 9.628: Dog Training Area: Privileges
- 3 CSR 10- 9.640: Licensed Trout Fishing Area Permit
- 3 CSR 10- 9.645: Licensed Trout Fishing Area Permit: Privileges, Requirements
Chapter 10: Commercial Permits: Seasons, Methods, Limits
- 3 CSR 10-10.705: Commercialization
- 3 CSR 10-10.707: Resident Fur Dealer’s Permit
- 3 CSR 10-10.708: Nonresident Fur Dealer’s Permit
- 3 CSR 10-10.715: Resident and Nonresident Fur Dealers: Reports, Requirements
- 3 CSR 10-10.720: Commercial Fishing Permit
- 3 CSR 10-10.722: Resident Roe Fish Commercial Harvest Permit
- 3 CSR 10-10.724: Nonresident Mississippi River Roe Fish Commercial Harvest Permit
- 3 CSR 10-10.725: Commercial Fishing: Seasons, Methods
- 3 CSR 10-10.726: Reciprocal Privileges: Commercial Fishing; Commercial Waters
- 3 CSR 10-10.727: Record Keeping and Reporting Required: Commercial Fishermen
- 3 CSR 10-10.728: Roe Fish Dealer Permit
- 3 CSR 10-10.732: Tag and Release Fishing Promotion Permit
- 3 CSR 10-10.735: Sale of Live Bait
- 3 CSR 10-10.739: Fish Utilization Permit
- 3 CSR 10-10.743: Commercial Establishments
- 3 CSR 10-10.744: Commercial Deer Processing: Permit, Privileges, Requirements
- 3 CSR 10-10.767: Taxidermy; Tanning: Permit, Privileges, Requirements
- 3 CSR 10-10.768: Sales and Possession of Wildlife Parts and Mounted Specimens
- 3 CSR 10-10.771: Commercial Permits: How Obtained, Replacements
- 3 CSR 10-10.788: Resident Commercial Live Coyote and Fox Trapping Permit
- 3 CSR 10-10.789: Resident Commercial Live Coyote and Fox Trapping: Privileges, Seasons, Methods, Requirements
- 3 CSR 10-10.800: Resident Ginseng Dealer Permit
- 3 CSR 10-10.805: Nonresident Ginseng Dealer Permit
- 3 CSR 10-10.810: Ginseng Dealers: Privileges, Record Keeping, Reporting Requirements
Chapter 11: Special Regulations for Department Areas
- 3 CSR 10-11.105: Title; Authority
- 3 CSR 10-11.110: General Provisions
- 3 CSR 10-11.111: Commercial Use
- 3 CSR 10-11.112: Photography and Videography
- 3 CSR 10-11.115: Closings
- 3 CSR 10-11.120: Pets and Hunting Dogs
- 3 CSR 10-11.125: Field Trials
- 3 CSR 10-11.130: Vehicles, Bicycles, Horses, and Horseback Riding
- 3 CSR 10-11.135: Wild Plants, Plant Products, and Mushrooms
- 3 CSR 10-11.140: Camping
- 3 CSR 10-11.145: Tree Stands
- 3 CSR 10-11.150: Target Shooting and Shooting Ranges
- 3 CSR 10-11.155: Decoys and Blinds
- 3 CSR 10-11.160: Use of Boats and Motors
- 3 CSR 10-11.165: Bullfrogs and Green Frogs
- 3 CSR 10-11.180: Hunting, General Provisions and Seasons
- 3 CSR 10-11.181: Turkey Hunting
- 3 CSR 10-11.182: Deer Hunting
- 3 CSR 10-11.184: Quail Hunting
- 3 CSR 10-11.185: Dove Hunting
- 3 CSR 10-11.186: Waterfowl Hunting
- 3 CSR 10-11.187: Trapping
- 3 CSR 10-11.190: Elk Hunting
- 3 CSR 10-11.191: Bear Hunting
- 3 CSR 10-11.200: Fishing, General Provisions and Seasons
- 3 CSR 10-11.205: Fishing, Methods and Hours
- 3 CSR 10-11.210: Fishing, Daily and Possession Limits
- 3 CSR 10-11.215: Fishing, Length Limits
- 3 CSR 10-11.220: Taking Feral Swine
Chapter 12: Special Regulations for Areas Owned by Other Entities
- 3 CSR 10-12.101: Title; Authority
- 3 CSR 10-12.105: Wildlife Refuges
- 3 CSR 10-12.109: Closed Hours
- 3 CSR 10-12.110: Use of Boats and Motors
- 3 CSR 10-12.115: Bullfrogs and Green Frogs
- 3 CSR 10-12.125: Hunting and Trapping
- 3 CSR 10-12.130: Fishing, General Provisions and Seasons
- 3 CSR 10-12.135: Fishing, Methods
- 3 CSR 10-12.140: Fishing, Daily and Possession Limits
- 3 CSR 10-12.145: Fishing, Length Limits
- 3 CSR 10-12.150: Fishing, Trout Parks
- 3 CSR 10-12.155: Fishing, Stone Mill Spring Branch
- 3 CSR 10-12.160: Outdoor Recreational Access Program
Chapter 20: Definitions
- 3 CSR 10-20.805: Definitions
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