Wildlife Code - Proposed Regulation Changes


The Missouri Department of Conservation follows the Secretary of State’s established process for making changes to the Code of State Regulations. This process calls for state agencies to conduct a 30-day public comment period for each proposed rule, amendment, or rescission and to consider those comments prior to filing a final order of rulemaking.

3 CSR 10- 4.135: Transportation

This amendment removes the requirement of hunters that harvest a deer in the Chronic Wasting Disease Management Zone and process their own deer, from having to debone or quarter the deer prior to leaving the harvest county.

Title 3 – Department of Conservation
Division 10 – Conservation Commission

Chapter 4—Wildlife Code: General Provisions

Proposed Amendment

[(2) Any cervid taken from the wild in Chronic Wasting Disease Management Zone counties (see 3 CSR 10-4.200(1)) shall be reported through the Telecheck Harvest Reporting System as required by 3 CSR 10-7.431 prior to transporting the carcass (or parts thereof) outside the county of harvest. Carcasses (or parts thereof) from all cervids taken in Chronic Wasting Disease Management Zone counties that are transported outside the county of harvest shall be delivered to a licensed meat processor or taxidermist within forty-eight (48) hours of exit from the county of harvest, except - 

  (A) Meat that is cut and wrapped; 

  (B) Meat that has been boned out; 

  (C) Quarters or other portions of meat with no part of the spinal column or head attached; 

  (D) Hides from which all excess tissue has been removed; 

  (E) Antlers; 

  (F) Antlers attached to skull plates or skulls cleaned of all muscle and brain tissue; 

  (G) Upper canine teeth; and 

  (H) Finished taxidermy products.]

[(3)](2) Wildlife legally taken and exported from another state or country may also be shipped into Missouri by common carrier, except cervid carcasses (or parts thereof). Cervid carcasses (or parts thereof) taken from or obtained outside of Missouri may not be imported, transported, or possessed in Missouri, except - 

  (A) Meat that is cut and wrapped; 

(B) Meat that has been boned out; 

  (C) Quarters or other portions of meat with no part of the spinal column or head attached; 

  (D) Hides from which all excess tissue has been removed; 

  (E) Antlers; 

(F) Antlers attached to skull plates or skulls cleaned of all muscle and brain tissue; 

(G) Upper canine teeth; 

(H) Finished taxidermy products; and

(I) Head with cape and not more than six inches (6”) of neck attached, only if taken to a licensed taxidermist within forty-eight (48) hours of entry.

[(4)](3) In addition to personal transportation, legally possessed commercial fish, frogs, cervid hides, squirrel and rabbit pelts, furbearer pelts and carcasses, and black bear pelts may be shipped by mail, express and freight, when truly labeled with the names and addresses of shipper and addressee, shipper’s permit number, or Telecheck confirmation number, as required, and the contents of each package. Wildlife breeders, taxidermists, fur dealers, and tanners may ship according to regulations specifically provided for such permittees. Wildlife shall not be accepted for shipment unless the shipper shall have complied with the provisions of this rule.

[(5)](4) Notwithstanding other provisions of this rule, the transportation of waterfowl and other migratory birds shall be in accordance with applicable federal regulations.

AUTHORITY: sections 40 and 45 of Art. IV, Mo. Const. and section 252.040, RSMo 2016.* Original rule filed Aug. 14, 1970, effective Dec. 31, 1970. For intervening history, please consult the Code of State Regulations. Amended: Filed January 15, 2025.

PUBLIC ENTITY COST: This proposed amendment will not cost state agencies or political subdivisions more than five hundred dollars ($500) in the aggregate. 

PRIVATE ENTITY COST: This proposed amendment will not cost private entities more than five hundred dollars ($500) in the aggregate.

NOTICE TO SUBMIT COMMENTS: Anyone may file a statement in support of or in opposition to this proposed amendment with Regulations Committee Chairman, Department of Conservation, P.O. Box 180, Jefferson City, MO 65102-0180, or via the department’s website at https://short.mdc.mo.gov/Z49. To be considered, comments must be received within thirty (30) days after publication of this notice in the Missouri Register. No public hearing is scheduled.

Official public comment period: February 19, 2025 to March 20, 2025
3 CSR 10- 4.140: Possession, Storage and Processing

This amendment establishes provisions for the disposal of cervid carcasses and unused parts of cervids harvested in Missouri.

Title 3 – Department of Conservation
Division 10 – Conservation Commission

Chapter 4—Wildlife Code: General Provisions

Proposed Amendment

(1) Wildlife legally taken or acquired may be possessed and stored, preserved, or under refrigeration only at the possessor’s home, camp, place of lodging, or in a commercial establishment. Turkeys may be possessed or stored not later than February 15 next following the close of the season when taken. Except as otherwise provided for taxidermists, tanners, and commercial game processors, cervid carcassess (or parts thereof) not retained by the taker or possessor shall be disposed of only in a permitted sanitary landfill or transfer station, or on the property where the animal was taken. Taxidermists, tanners, and commercial game processors shall dispose of cervid carcasses (or parts thereof) only in accordance with rules specifically provided for such permittees.

AUTHORITY: sections 40 and 45 of Art. IV, Mo. Const. and section 252.040, RSMo 2016.* Original rule filed Aug. 14, 1970, effective Dec. 31, 1970. For intervening history, please consult the Code of State Regulations. Amended: Filed January 15, 2025.

PUBLIC ENTITY COST: This proposed amendment will not cost state agencies or political subdivisions more than five hundred dollars ($500) in the aggregate. 

PRIVATE ENTITY COST: This proposed amendment will not cost private entities more than five hundred dollars ($500) in the aggregate.

NOTICE TO SUBMIT COMMENTS: Anyone may file a statement in support of or in opposition to this proposed amendment with Regulations Committee Chairman, Department of Conservation, P.O. Box 180, Jefferson City, MO 65102-0180, or via the department’s website at https://short.mdc.mo.gov/Z49. To be considered, comments must be received within thirty (30) days after publication of this notice in the Missouri Register. No public hearing is scheduled.

Official public comment period: February 19, 2025 to March 20, 2025
3 CSR 10- 7.431: Deer Hunting Seasons: General Provisions

This amendment establishes the requirement of hunters to report harvest of a deer through the Telecheck Harvest Reporting System prior to transporting the deer outside the county of harvest if that were to occur prior to the established requirement to report harvest of the deer by 10:00 p.m. on the day taken.

Title 3 – Department of Conservation
Division 10 – Conservation Commission

Chapter 7—Wildlife Code: Hunting: Seasons, Methods, Limits

Proposed Amendment

(10) Hunters who take a deer shall void their permit immediately by notching the month and date of harvest and shall keep the deer separate or distinctly identifiable from deer taken or possessed by another. When the deer is not personally attended and prior to reporting through the Telecheck Harvest Reporting System, the voided permit or proper label shall be attached to the deer. Deer may be possessed and transported only by the taker until reported through the Telecheck Harvest Reporting System. All deer taken shall be accurately reported by the taker or in the taker’s immediate presence through the Telecheck Harvest Reporting System by 10:00 p.m. on the day taken. The Telecheck confirmation number shall be recorded immediately on the deer hunting permit.  The deer shall remain intact or as a field-dressed carcass until the deer is reported through the Telecheck Harvest Reporting System. All deer shall be reported through the Telecheck Harvest Reporting System prior to processing, prior to transportation outside the county of harvest, or prior to being removed from the state. After reporting through the Telecheck Harvest Reporting System, deer may be possessed, transported, and stored by anyone when labeled with the permit or any label that includes the full name and address of the taker, date taken, and Telecheck confirmation number. 

AUTHORITY: sections 40 and 45 of Art. IV, Mo. Const., and section 252.040, RSMo 2016.* Original rule filed April 29, 2004, effective May 15, 2004. For intervening history, please consult the Code of State Regulations. Amended: Filed January 15, 2025.

PUBLIC ENTITY COST: This proposed amendment will not cost state agencies or political subdivisions more than five hundred dollars ($500) in the aggregate. 

PRIVATE ENTITY COST: This proposed amendment will not cost private entities more than five hundred dollars ($500) in the aggregate

NOTICE TO SUBMIT COMMENTS: Anyone may file a statement in support of or in opposition to this proposed amendment with Regulations Committee Chairman, Department of Conservation, P.O. Box 180, Jefferson City, MO 65102-0180, or via the department’s website at https://short.mdc.mo.gov/Z49. To be considered, comments must be received within thirty (30) days after publication of this notice in the Missouri Register. No public hearing is scheduled.

Official public comment period: February 19, 2025 to March 20, 2025
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