Letters to the Editor
Submissions reflect readers’ opinions and may be edited for length and clarity. Email Magazine@mdc.mo.gov or write to us:
Missouri Conservationist
PO Box 180
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Deceptive Picture
When I looked at the bullfrogs on the June cover, I thought, now isn’t that sweet? Two bullfrogs hugging! Then I looked at the description only to find out they are clashing. I guess it all depends on how we choose to view nature, huh?
Janet Fiedler, via email
Happy Grandkids
My grandson, Carter, was so excited when he collected the mail and discovered the Conservationist had arrived. With all the enthusiasm of a 5-year-old, he said, “I love this magazine! Can I cut pictures out when you’re done with it?”
Marge Kaden, Coatsville
I love the Missouri Conservationist. I have five grandchildren who I write to every week. I can always find pictures from the magazine to send them and write to them about nature. My 13-year-old grandson will love the picture of the bullfrogs on the front of the June magazine.
Karen Keune, Town & Country
Turtles Crossing
Our family enjoys reading the Missouri Conservationist and Xplor magazines. We love all the articles on the different animals and regions of Missouri.
Several months ago, you did an article on turtles and when they cross our Missouri roads. Ever since then, we have put on our calendars when the turtles will be out crossing the roads.
Thank you for your recent article Give the Turtles a Brake (June, Page 9). When we are driving, we are always looking out for small animals or turtles. If we do come across a turtle crossing, we stop and I get out with a glove and move the turtle in the direction they are headed.
Jerry and Stephanie Dandridge, Pevely
Missouri’s Least Wanted
Thank you for the timely item in the June issue about poison hemlock [Missouri’s Least Wanted, Page 8]. I have a difficult corner spot that gets only morning sun and have experimented with various ferns to fill it. None have survived until I found this lovely “fern” on the roadside. I transplanted a tiny sprig last fall and have been so pleased at how it has thrived. After reading your article, I know it is poison hemlock! It has those unmistakable purple spots on the stem, which is already 1 inch in diameter. Your article has saved me possibly a big landscape (and maybe health) problem.
Jeanette Ziegler, St. Louis
Conservation Headquarters
PO Box 180, Jefferson City, MO
Regional Offices
Southeast/Cape Girardeau: 573-290-5730
Central/Columbia: 573-815-7900
Kansas City: 816-622-0900
Northeast/Kirksville: 660-785-2420
Southwest/Springfield: 417-895-6880
Northwest/St. Joseph: 816-271-3100
St. Louis: 636-441-4554
Ozark/West Plains: 417-256-7161
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This Issue's Staff
Editor - Angie Daly Morfeld
Associate Editor - Larry Archer
Photography Editor - Cliff White
Staff Writer - Kristie Hilgedick
Staff Writer - Joe Jerek
Staff Writer – Dianne Van Dien
Designer - Shawn Carey
Designer - Marci Porter
Photographer - Noppadol Paothong
Photographer - David Stonner