Landowner Assistance

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From Missouri Conservationist: Jun 2007

Habitat Hint

Eradicate Sericea Lespedeza

Best practices:

  • Identify and mark infestations for repeated treatment. single treatments will not control sericea infestations of any size.
  • For light infestations, spray with triclopyr+fluroxypyr at 1 ounce to the gallon in May or June when plants are 8–10" tall and still succulent. Plan to repeat this treatment every year until the infestation is gone. Triclopyr works through July and August.
  • Dense infestations require a variety of repeated treatments. Grazing, late summer burning and mowing at first flower will reduce seed production but will not kill mature plants, which will require broadcast spraying.
  • Avoid spraying drought-stressed plants because they don't absorb herbicide well. Treating within 10 days after rain is best, particularly in late summer.

Phone contact: To locate a private lands conservationist near you visit our online atlas

For more land management information: see links listed below.

Sericea lespedeza, a rapidly spreading, control-resistant plant from Asia, has become a scourge to wildlife habitat and livestock pastures all across the state. Long-term success depends on early detection and repeated action. Treatment can begin in June. See the best practices panel (above) for control methods. For complete control details, contact your private land conservationist.

Farm Bill in Action: FLEP

Gives technical, educational and cost-share assistance

Even if you own rural land in Missouri, you might not be aware of all the good things farm bill conservation programs do for Missourians, their agri-businesses and the wildlife habitat under their stewardship. This summer Congress debates the federal farm bill, including its many voluntary conservation incentive programs. These provide technical assistance, education and cost-share support to qualifying landowners, enabling them to enhance or create wildlife habitat while continuing their farming operations.

One such program is the Forestland Enhancement Program–or FLEP. Warren County resident huey Rodeheaver saw dramatic improvements in his forest’s health after enrolling 239 acres of his land into this program. he recently flushed a covey of 14 quail for the first time in the nearly 10 years he has owned his farm. His natural Resources Conservation service and Missouri Department of Conservation advisors attribute the covey’s appearance to the improved herbaceous/shrub layer in the treated areas. Rodeheaver’s land lies within a mile of two prominent Department of Conservation areas (Daniel Boone and Little Lost Creek) that are being managed to benefit sensitive migrant songbirds, ruffed grouse and woodcock. As Rodeheaver’s FLEP treatments continue, they will contribute substantially to this larger initiative.

Since 2003, Missouri has received $998,000 in FLEP funds, providing educational materials, cost-share and planning assistance to 295 non-industrial private forest landowners. You can keep an eye on 2007 farm bill progress and revisions online.

This Issue's Staff

Editor in Chief - Ara Clark
Managing Editor - Nichole LeClair
Art Director - Cliff White
Writer/editor - Tom Cwynar
Staff Writer - Bonnie Chasteen
Staff Writer - Jim Low
Staff Writer - Arleasha Mays
Photographer- Noppadol Paothong
Artist - Dave Besenger
Artist - Mark Raithel
Designer - Les Fortenberry
Circulation - Laura Scheuler