Fall Turkey Feather Submission

MDC is asking Missouri turkey hunters to save and share feathers from the wild turkeys they harvest. These feathers will help us improve models used to monitor turkey population trends and estimate turkey abundance across the state. 

Hunters who successfully harvest a turkey during either the Archery Deer and Turkey season or Fall Firearms Turkey Season, can voluntarily submit feathers from their turkey, at no cost to them.  

If you are interested in submitting feathers from your fall turkey, please enter your name, mailing address, and Conservation ID into the contact submission form below.  

After you Telecheck your turkey, please retain the 9th and 10th primary wing feathers and 3-5 breast feathers (see diagram below). Once you have signed up for the program and telechecked a turkey, MDC’s will mail you a feather submission packet containing additional instruction and a postage-paid envelope for the feathers to be placed inside and mailed back to MDC. You will receive one packet for each turkey you harvest during the fall seasons, so please be sure to keep each turkey’s feathers separate and labeled with the correct Telecheck ID.

If you have any questions, please email MDC’s Wild Turkey Management Program at wildturkey@mdc.mo.gov.   

Turkey wing primary feathers
Turkey breast feathers identified.


Retain a wing and 3-5 feathers from the breast until you receive the packet of feather submission materials.

Feather Submission Form

Indicates required field
Mailing Address
Enter your 9-digit Conservation ID. Learn how to find your Conservation ID.
Provide the Telecheck ID used to check in the turkey.
Contact Details