
Species Description

A very large member of the deer family with a thick neck, long, slender legs, a long head, and large ears. Elk are the second largest member of the deer family (after the moose).

Elk are vocal mammals issuing a variety of calls and sounds, including the male's well-known screaming “bugle,” plus grunts, mews, and barks, as well as a “knuckle cracking” sound produced by the front legs when walking that is a means of maintaining contact when a herd is moving through heavy cover.

Report an Elk Sighting

Topic Category
Hunting / Fishing Guide
Biological Information
Season Dates Hours Limits/Notes
Elk Hunting: Archery -

One-half (1/2) hour before sunrise to one-half (1/2) hour after sunset

Those selected to receive a permit may take one (1) elk with at least one (1) antler no less than 6” in length.

Antlered Elk Hunting permits can be used during both the archery and firearms portions of the elk hunting season.

Elk Hunting: Firearms -

One-half (1/2) hour before sunrise to one-half (1/2) hour after sunset

Those selected to receive a permit may take one (1) elk with at least one (1) antler no less than 6” in length.

Antlered Elk Hunting Permits can be used during both the archery and firearms portions of the elk hunting season.