One-half (1/2) hour before sunrise to one-half (1/2) hour after sunset
Antlered Elk Hunting permits can be used during both the archery and firearms portions of the elk hunting season.
Those selected to receive a permit may take one (1) elk with at least one (1) antler no less than 6” in length.
Valid Permits
Elk hunting permits are distributed by random drawing.
Allowed & Prohibited Methods
Elk: Archery: Allowed Methods
Longbow, compound bow, or recurve bow of any draw weight
Atlatls, which are defined as a rod or narrow board-like device used to launch, through a throwing motion of the arm, a dart 5 to 8 feet long
Hand-held string releasing devices
Illuminated sights, scopes, and quickpoint sights
Longbow, compound bow, or recurve bow of any draw weight
Atlatls, which are defined as a rod or narrow board-like device used to launch, through a throwing motion of the arm, a dart 5 to 8 feet long
Hand-held string releasing devices
Illuminated sights, scopes, and quickpoint sights
Elk: Archery: Prohibited Methods
Any sighting device that casts a beam of light on the game
Use of electronic calls, electronically activated calls, bait, dogs, or night vision equipment
Hunting elk from a boat with a motor attached
Hunting elk while they are in a stream or other body of water
Hunting within any area enclosed by a fence greater than seven feet (7’) in height
Archers hunting elk during the archery portion may not be in possession of a firearm. Some exceptions apply. See 3 CSR 10-7.705 of the Wildlife Code of Missouri.
Any sighting device that casts a beam of light on the game
Use of electronic calls, electronically activated calls, bait, dogs, or night vision equipment
Hunting elk from a boat with a motor attached
Hunting elk while they are in a stream or other body of water
Hunting within any area enclosed by a fence greater than seven feet (7’) in height
Archers hunting elk during the archery portion may not be in possession of a firearm. Some exceptions apply. See 3 CSR 10-7.705 of the Wildlife Code of Missouri.