Waterbody Lookup
Displaying 1 - 20 of 32
Big Piney River
From Highway 17 to the Gasconade River:
Length limit: Goggle-eye: minimum 8"
From Slabtown Access to the Gasconade River:
Daily limit: 6 black bass including only 1 smallmouth bass.
Length limit: Smallmouth bass: minimum 15"
Big River
Mainstem and its tributaries, except as noted below:
Daily and possession limit: Black bass: 12 fish including no more than 6 largemouth bass and smallmouth bass, combined total of both species.
Size limit: Spotted bass: None
From the Council Bluff Lake Dam to the Meramec River:
Daily and possession limit: 12 black bass including no more than 6 largemouth bass and smallmouth bass, combined total of both species, may include only 1 smallmouth bass
Size limit: Smallmouth bass: minimum 15 inches
Blue Springs Creek
Black bass: The daily and possession limit is 12 fish and may include no more than 6 largemouth bass and smallmouth bass, combined total of both species.
Spotted bass: No minimum length limit.
In Crawford County
The use of porous-soled waders is prohibited.
While on any waters with length limits, all trout you possess must be kept with head, tail, and skin intact.
In Crawford County from Blue Springs to the Meramec River - 4 miles.
Blue Ribbon Trout Area: see restrictions below.
Blue Ribbon Trout Area
Harvest is limited to maintain the maximum density of adult trout, create excellent catch-and-release fishing, and provide the occasional chance to harvest a trophy. These areas on the Current and North Fork of the White rivers are stocked with brown trout, and the Eleven Point River is stocked with rainbows.
Length Limit: At least 18"
Daily Limit: 1
Authorized Lures: Artificial lures and flies
Only flies and artificial lures may be used, and soft plastic baits and natural and scented baits are prohibited when fishing for any species.
Gigging, bowfishing, and using an atlatl are prohibited, and fish taken by these methods may not be possessed on these waters or their banks.
Blue Springs Lake
Length limit: Black bass: minimum 15"
Allowed methods: Pole and line fishing only, except that shad may be taken by dip net or throw net.
Bourbeuse River
Mainstem and its tributaries:
Spotted bass: No length limits
Black bass: The daily and possession limit is 12 fish and may include no more than 6 largemouth bass and smallmouth bass, combined total of both species.
Bull Shoals Lake
Lakewide: Ozark and Taney
Daily limit:
Catfish (channel, blue and flathead): 10, combined total of these three species
Crappie: 15 fish
Length limit:
Black bass: minimum 15" on largemouth and smallmouth bass; minimum 12" on spotted bass
Crappie: 10" minimum
On the lake and its tributaries: Ozark, Taney, Christian, and Douglas
Daily limit:
Striped bass: only 3 striped bass may be included in the aggregate
Length limit:
Walleye and sauger: minimum 18"
Striped bass: minimum 20"
There are no length limits for white bass, yellow bass, or their hybrids.
In the Swan Creek Arm above U.S. Highway 160: Taney
From February 20 through April 14, walleye and sauger may be taken and possessed only between 1/2 hour before sunrise to 1/2 hour after sunset.
From Powersite Dam to Highway 76: Taney
Prohibited Methods: Trotlines, throwlines and limb lines
Courtois Creek
Mainstem and its tributaries:
Daily limit: Black bass: 12 fish, including no more than 6 largemouth bass and smallmouth bass, combined total of both species
Length limit: Spotted bass: None
From Highway 8 bridge in Crawford County to Huzzah Creek:
Length limit: Goggle-eye: minimum 8”
Eleven Point River
While on any waters with length limits, all trout you possess must be kept with head, tail, and skin intact.
Mainstem and its tributaries: Walleye and sauger—18 inch minimum length limit
In Oregon County: The use of porous-soled waders is prohibited.
From Thomasville Access to the Arkansas line:
Goggle-eye—8 inch minimum length limit.
Smallmouth bass—15 inch minimum length limit. The daily limit of 6 black bass may include only 1 smallmouth bass.
Greer Spring Branch junction to Turner Mill Access - 5.5 miles: Blue Ribbon Trout Area
Downstream from Turner Mill Access - 14.2 miles: White Ribbon Trout Area
Blue Ribbon Trout Area
Harvest is limited to maintain the maximum density of adult trout, create excellent catch-and-release fishing, and provide the occasional chance to harvest a trophy. These areas on the Current and North Fork of the White rivers are stocked with brown trout, and the Eleven Point River is stocked with rainbows.
Length Limit: At least 18"
Daily Limit: 1
Authorized Lures: Artificial lures and flies
Only flies and artificial lures may be used, and soft plastic baits and natural and scented baits are prohibited when fishing for any species.
Gigging, bowfishing, and using an atlatl are prohibited, and fish taken by these methods may not be possessed on these waters or their banks.
White Ribbon Trout Area
Coldwater streams capable of supporting trout populations year-round. All receive periodic stockings of rainbow trout, and some also receive brown trout. They provide great opportunities for catching and harvesting trout and the occasional chance to harvest a large trout.
Length Limit: Rainbows -- none; Browns -- at least 15"
Daily Limit: 4
Authorized Lures: All
Elk River
Length limits: Smallmouth bass—minimum 15”
Daily limit: Black bass—6, may include only 1 smallmouth bass.
Gasconade River
From Highway Y in Pulaski County to Highway D in Phelps County
Length limits: Smallmouth bass—minimum 15"
Daily limit: 6 black bass may include only 1 smallmouth bass.
Huzzah Creek
Mainstem and its tributaries:
Length limit: Spotted bass—none
Daily limit: 12 fish and including no more than 6 largemouth bass and smallmouth bass, combined total of both species.
From Willhite Road in Crawford County to the Meramec River:
Length limit: Goggle-eye—minimum 8”
Jacks Fork River
From Highway 17 to the Current River:
Length Limits:
Smallmouth bass—minimum 15”
Daily Limit:
6 black bass including only 1 smallmouth bass.
James River
From Hooten Town bridge (the Loop Road at Route O) to the Highway 413/Highway 265 bridge at Galena
Length Limits:
Smallmouth bass—minimum 15”
Daily Limit:
6 black bass including only 1 smallmouth bass.
Joachim Creek
From Jefferson County Highway V bridge to Highway A bridge:
Length limits: Smallmouth bass— minimum 15”
Daily limit: 6 black bass, including only 1 smallmouth bass
Lake of the Ozarks
Area note:
Nongame fish: Snagging, snaring and grabbing are allowed from March 15 through April 30 only.
Daily limit:
Crappie: 15
Length limit:
Black bass: minimum 15” for largemouth and smallmouth bass; minimum 12” for spotted bass
Crappie: minimum 9”
On the lake and its tributaries:
Daily limit:
Do not continue to snag, snare or grab for any species after taking a daily limit of 2 paddlefish.
Blue catfish: 10 fish daily and possession limit; the daily limit may not contain more than 2 blue catfish more than 34".
Length limit:
Paddlefish: minimum 34” body length, measured from eye to fork of tail
Blue catfish: 26" to 34" protected slot length limit; 10 fish daily and possession limit; the daily limit may not contain more than 2 blue catfish more than 34".
Within 525 feet on the left descending bank and 977 feet on the right descending bank below Truman Dam in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ restricted zone:
Area note: No fishing is allowed.
From the downstream end of the no-fishing zone below Truman Dam throughout the no-boating zone (look for signs and buoys):
Area note: Paddlefish may not be possessed.
From the downstream end of the no-fishing zone below Truman Dam to U.S. Highway 65:
Prohibited methods: Trotlines, throwlines, limb lines, jug lines, snagging, snaring and grabbing are prohibited.
Long Branch Lake
Length Limits:
Black bass: minimum 15”
Hybrid striped bass: minimum 20”
Walleye and sauger: minimum 18”
Daily limit:
Hybrid striped bass: 4
Crappie: 15
Longview Lake
Length limit: Black bass: minimum 15"
Allowed methods: Pole and line fishing only, except that shad may be taken by dip net or throw net.
Mark Twain Lake
Length limits: Black bass: minimum 15”
Blue and flathead catfish: minimum 26"
Daily limit: Crappie: 15
Meramec River
Black bass: Daily and possession limit is 12 fish and may include no more than 6 largemouth bass and smallmouth bass, combined total of both species.
Spotted bass: no minimum length limit
In Crawford and Phelps counties:
The use of porous-soled waders is prohibited.
While on any waters with length limits, all trout you possess must be kept with head, tail, and skin intact.
From Highway 8 bridge to Scott's Ford and in Dry Fork Creek from the elevated cable crossing to its confluence with the Meramec River - 8.2 miles:
Red Ribbon Trout Area, see restrictions below.
From Highway 8 bridge to the railroad crossing at Bird’s Nest:
Length limit: Smallmouth bass: 15 inch minimum.
Daily and possession limit: 12 black bass, which may include no more than 6 largemouth bass and smallmouth bass, combined total of both species, may include only 1 smallmouth bass.
From Highway 19 bridge in Dent County to Pacific Palisades Conservation Area:
Length limit: Goggle-eye: 8 inch minimum
Red Ribbon Trout Area (Artificial Lures)
They provide catch-and-release fishing and a chance to harvest quality-size trout.
Length Limit: At least 15"
Daily Limit: 2
Authorized Lures: Artificial lures and flies
Mineral Fork
Mainstem and its tributaries, except as noted below:
Daily limit: Black bass—The daily and possession limit is 12 fish and may include no more than 6 largemouth bass and smallmouth bass, combined total of both species.
Length limit: Spotted bass—No minimum length limit
From Highway F in Washington County to the Big River:
Length limit: Smallmouth bass—minimum 15”
Daily limit: Daily and possession limit of 12 black bass, which may include no more than 6 largemouth bass and smallmouth bass, combined total of both species, may include only 1 smallmouth bass