Most of the strip pits and quarries in Missouri have the potential of producing many hours of quality fishing. However, strip pits present some special problems to the owner wanting to manage these waters for fishing. Water quality is the most serious problem followed by lack of shallow water habitat.
Mining companies create strip pits by removing deep layers of coal, bedrock or other valuable minerals from the earth. Unfortunately, during the process, acid-producing materials are left exposed in mined areas. When these exposed materials come into contact with water, a chemical reaction occurs that produces acid water. This is the reason strip pits may contain water high in acidity.
Acidity is expressed as pH units, which range from 1 (most acid) to 14 (non-acid or basic). A neutral pH is 7. For good fish production a pH range of 6 to 9 is necessary. Water having of pH of less than 6 results in poor fish reproduction, growth and survival.
Water Testing
Strip pits owners should test the acidity of the water before they invest in stocking and managing pits for fishing. Acidity can be tested with an inexpensive pH test kit, purchased from a pet store.
Correcting an acid water problem can be very time consuming and costly. Once neutralized, the water can again become acidified from runoff or ground water that has flowed over acid sediments from within the strip pit, basin or watershed. Unless the source of acid sediments are known, only limited success can be expected from efforts to neutralize acid strip pits. If the water has pH of less than 6, an engineer or hydrologist should be consulted to determine the source of the acid sediments. The Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Land Reclamation Program is the agency responsible for correcting problems associated with past coal mining on eligible sites with the state. For more information concerning reclamation planning and pond neutralization contact:
Missouri Department of Natural Resources
Division of Environmental Quality
Land Reclamation Program
PO Box 176
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Phone (573)-751-4041
If water quality is satisfactory, spawning habitat and fish cover improvements should be at the top of your management activities list.
Lack of fish cover and shallow water spawning habitat can limit quality fishing in strip pits. Fish cover can be added inexpensively and may be constructed from a variety of material. Natural material provides the best fish habitat. Cedar trees and bundles of tree limbs are the most effective for making underwater brush piles. Weight the bundles with rock, concrete filed containers or concrete blocks. Use nylon rope or aluminum wire to tie the weights to the end of the trees or branch bundles. This will allow the trees to stand upright when dropped into the water.
Brush Piles
Brush pile location is very important. Place them in water which is at least 4 feet deep but less than 12 feet. Brush piles along step banks can be cabled to trees or stakes along the shore to prevent them from sliding into deep water. It is better to place several structures within a few yards of each other than scattering them throughout the pit.
Older pits often have live or dead trees standing along the shoreline. Fell some of the trees into the water using a chainsaw to make the cut. Leave the tree partially attached to the stump by sawing on the landward side of the tree until the tree can be pushed over into the water. This method is called hinge cutting.
Caution! The operation of a chainsaw and hinge cutting trees can be dangerous.
Hinge cutting should be done by an experienced chainsaw operator using proper safety equipment.
Shallow Water Habitat
Although costly, construction of shallow water spawning habitat will improve conditions for producing young fish. Water four feet or less in depth is also important for the production of insects. Insects are the major food for most fish during their first year of life. These shallow water areas should total 5-10 percent of the entire surface area of the strip pit and include several hundred feet of shoreline preferably vegetated with aquatic plants.
Construction equipment will likely be needed for creating shallow water areas. Although most strip pits have adequate depth, some water eight feet or more in depth is necessary to maintain a good fish population.
Largemouth bass, bluegill and channel catfish are preferred for producing good fishing in strip pits.
strip pits with no fish population, and at least 5% shallow water areas, recommended stocking is 75 bass, 400 bluegill and 75 channel catfish per acre. If less than 5% of the strip pit is shallow water, stock 50 bass, 250 bluegill and 50 channel catfish per surface acre. Some supplemental stocking may be necessary.
In older strip pits the presence and condition of an existing fish population can be determined by angling. Refer to our “Good Record Keeping Means Better Fishing” Aquaguide for more information.