Report Rare Furbearers


The Missouri Department of Conservation is taking reports for rare furbearers.

American Badger

Flattened body with short, stocky legs. Face is distinctive with black patches, whitish chin and throat, and a prominent white stripe down the head. Weigh 8 to 20 pounds.

Spotted Skunk

Distinct white spot in the center of the forehead and in front of each ear. Broken stripes down the body give a “spotted appearance.” Weigh 0.5 to 2 pounds.

Photo of least weasel

Long, tubular shape with a tail that is 25% of the head-body length. May turn white in the winter, in summer have brown pelts with white feet and underside. Found in northern Missouri and weigh 1 to 3.5 ounces.

Photo of long-tailed weasel

Tail is 50% or more of the head-body length. May turn white in the winter, but have brown pelts in the summer with cream-yellow undersides. Found statewide and weigh 3 to 16 ounces.

How to report

MDC needs the following information with report submissions:

  • Date and Time of observation
  • Number of individuals observed and number of young in group
  • Location (county and estimated GPS coordinates)
  • Sex, if known
  • Status (alive, trapped, road-killed, etc.)
  • Name, address, phone number, and/or email
Report to

Nathaniel Bowersock

Furbearer Biologist
Missouri Department of Conservation
Central Regional Office
3500 East Gans Road
Columbia, MO 65201
(573) 815-7900 ext. 2903

Additional Information

Badger can be legally harvested in Missouri during the established season. Please report any badger sightings, captures or road-kill animals.

There is NO trapping or hunting season for weasels or spotted skunks. Please report any sightings, photos, or road-kill animals to the Department.

If you accidentally trap a weasel or spotted skunk and the animal is alive, it must be immediately released. Please report the incidental capture. If you accidentally trap a weasel or spotted skunk and the animal is dead, the entire carcass must be turned over to your local conservation agent.