Go Find It!

By MDC | July 1, 2024
From Xplor: July/August 2024

Common five-lined skinks live among rocks, under dead logs, around farm buildings, and in forests statewide. For more on this lovely lizard, scurry over to mdc.mo.gov/field-guide.

Colorful Kiddos

A young skink is shiny black with five yellow stripes and a bright blue tail.

Dull Adults

As it grows up, a skink’s body turns brown or tan, and its bright stripes and tail become less obvious.

Tail Trickery

When a predator grabs a skink’s tail, the little lizard leaves its behind behind. While the detached tail twitches, the skink slinks to safety. A new tail grows back, but it’s shorter than the original.

Protective Parent

Most reptiles lay eggs and leave. Mama skinks guard their eggs until they hatch.

Bug Bagger

Skinks eat a variety of insects, spiders, snails, and smaller lizards.

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This Issue's Staff

Artist – Matt Byrde
Photographer – Noppadol Paothong
Photographer – David Stonner
Designer – Marci Porter
Art Director – Cliff White
Editor – Matt Seek
Subscriptions – Marcia Hale
Magazine Manager – Stephanie Thurber