Letters to the Editor
Submissions reflect readers’ opinions and may be edited for length and clarity. Email Magazine@mdc.mo.gov or write to us:
Missouri Conservationist
PO Box 180
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Jumping for Jumping Spiders
As a photography enthusiast, I’ve recently started taking macro photos of small creatures, such as insects and spiders. It’s interesting to see how they look up-close, magnified a couple of times. My favorites have become jumping spiders. They are fascinating creatures. I thoroughly enjoyed your article Life on a Thread in the October issue [Page 22]. It was a very informative article with a lot of nice pictures. I had no idea there were so many different jumping spiders. Thanks for the article and keep up the good work producing such a beautiful magazine.
Doug Phillips Monett
Writing to heap praises on Matt Seek’s fascinating and well-written article, Life on a Thread. Although I fall somewhere in the middle of the arachnophobe/arachnophile spectrum, Seek’s light-hearted yet informative prose makes me want to learn more about these interesting little critters.
Dhana Broser via email
Something New and exciting
I love getting my magazine in the mail every month. Each month’s magazine has something new and exciting to read. I love reading Nature Lab. It is always cool to read about research and how it helps nature. I also love What Is It? It is a fun little game to play, and I learn something new. I started getting the magazine in July 2022, and one day in the future, I may look back at my magazines and reflect. I love the MDC magazines.
Kelvin J. Fisher, Jr. Lee’s Summit
Bears in Missouri
I have always wanted to see a black bear in the wild and was surprised to hear that they are making a comeback in Missouri. It will be interesting to hear the results of the hair snares, which is a great system to collect bear DNA [Nature Lab, October, Page 4]. Will their return upset the current balance in the ecosystem? Thank you for all you do, and I will be keeping my eyes open for black bears.
Wesley Brown Garden City
According to MDC Furbearer Biologist Nate Bowersock, bears will not and are not upsetting Missouri’s ecosystems. In fact, they are likely improving the ecosystem by dispersing seed, breaking up logs in search of insects, which increases the decomposition rates of downed logs, and cleaning up carrion. — The Editors
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Also In This Issue

Nature photographers freeze the clock, capturing a memory.
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This Issue's Staff
Editor – Angie Daly Morfeld
Associate Editor – Larry Archer
Photography Editor – Ben Nickelson
Staff Writer – Kristie Hilgedick
Staff Writer – Joe Jerek
Staff Writer – Dianne Van Dien
Designer – Marci Porter
Designer – Kate Morrow
Photographer – Noppadol Paothong
Photographer – David Stonner
Circulation – Marcia Hale