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From Missouri Conservationist: Dec 2010

Pro logger

My wife and I would like to thank you for printing the article about Logger of the Year Matt L’Heureux [November; Page 6]. We were so pleased with the service he provided us clearing the downed trees after the damaging storm that came through our property in Patton Missouri. After he had the trees cleared, he came back and smoothed the ruts and repaired the ground after the heavy equipment damage. We want to thank Matt and his crew for a job well done. He certainly deserves the title Logger of the Year.

Ron and Vivian Williams, St. Peters

Good shepherds

Thank you for your article Shepherd of the Hills in the November issue. I am a United States Air Force veteran of over 21 years and am thankful for the article that connects sacrifice with freedom. It has taken the sacrifice of our military men and women to allow the freedom to be able to appreciate and utilize the natural resources that Missouri offers. A special thanks to our Missouri conservation personnel that do such a superb job of watching over those resources. I really enjoy reading and treasuring the excellent photos in the Conservationist and kayaking, fishing and hiking in the Missouri outdoors.

Dennis Manley, Lake Ozark

Cooper Hill Memories

I just read the article on Cooper Hill CA in the November issue [Page 30]. My great-uncle and great-aunt lived in Cooper Hill, Arnold and Liliane Baker. He made a model of the old mill Bonnie Chasteen mentioned in the article and donated it to the state. It was on display at the capitol in Jefferson City, around the late ‘60s or early ‘70s. I spent many wonderful family reunions exploring the beautiful countryside.

Sharon Stidham-Smith, Round Rock, Texas

Deer Lonnie:

Which sense does a deer rely on the most? If a deer smells you but doesn’t see you, should you stay where you are or turn in? Most of the time, if I get “snorted,” I’ll sit for another hour then go on in. When a deer snorts/flags that pretty much clears out the area of other deer, right?

Dallas Gibbs, via Internet

Biologist’s note: Good question. They have excellent senses of smell and hearing; not quite as good vision. Having experienced it many times myself, it is frustrating when a deer detects your presence and snorts. If you are detected (snorting), especially late in the day, it may not bode well, but I do not think it means you should give up. During the rut bucks are moving over large areas and often rapidly. Just because you had a deer snorting at you does not mean every deer that might come by has heard that. You could very well have deer still come through; just hope they are moving in upwind. Good luck this season.—Lonnie Hansen, deer biologist.

True Spirit of Hunting

I went out last Saturday for the youth hunt, spent six hours in the stand, and didn’t see one deer. That is what deer hunting is all about: waiting, watching, enjoying God’s creation. After reading the bit about 8 Plead Guilty in Deer-Dogging Case [November] it makes me sad for them that they miss the true spirit of hunting.

Graham Stanfill, via Internet


In Eminence Gets Conservation Boost [November; Page 5] we wrote that “boaters will have better access to the Current River at Eminence City Park.” The sentence should have read “better access to the Jacks Fork River.”

This Issue's Staff

Editor In Chief - Ara Clark
Managing Editor - Nichole LeClair Terrill
Art Director - Cliff White
Staff Writer - Bonnie Chasteen
Staff Writer - Jim Low
Photographer - Noppadol Paothong
Photographer - David Stonner
Designer - Stephanie Thurber
Artist - Dave Besenger
Artist - Mark Raithel
Circulation - Laura Scheuler