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Photo of a tan jumping spider
Species Types
Scientific Name
Platycriptus undatus
The tan jumping spider usually lives on tree trunks. Its gray, tan, and brown coloration camouflages it against tree bark. There is usually an undulating pattern on the abdomen.
Photo of a northern crab spider
Species Types
Scientific Name
Mecaphesa asperata
The northern crab spider has many spiny hairs covering the top surfaces of the carapace, abdomen, and legs, and it has usually has greenish-yellow or yellow-brown markings.
White micrathena, side view
Species Types
Scientific Name
Micrathena spp.
Missouri has three species of spiny orbweavers in genus Micrathena. The webs of these woodland spiders are often run into by hikers!
Glossy black spider wasp manipulating paralyzed spider
Species Types
Scientific Name
About 300 species in North America north of Mexico
People notice spider wasps when they notice a female lugging a captured spider to its doom. In most cases, she will drag the spider into a burrow, lay an egg on the spider, and then hunt for more spiders!
Photo of an orchard orbweaver with a black background
Species Types
Scientific Name
Leucauge venusta
The orchard orbweaver is a small, colorful, greenish, delicate spider that makes circular webs in low bushes and damp woodlands. It typically hangs in the middle of its web, its back to the ground.
Black and rust-colored wasp on a plant
Species Types
Scientific Name
Poecilopompilus algidus and P. interruptus
Poecilopompilus spider wasps provision their nests with orbweaver spiders. They dig nest burrows into the ground and therefore prefer sandy or other workable substrates.
Red and black spider wasp visiting snow-on-the-mountain flowers
Species Types
Scientific Name
Psorthaspis spp.
Spider wasps in genus Psorthaspis look quite a lot like velvet ants. There are several species. The ones in our area are usually red and black, just like the coloration of the velvet ants in our region.
Marbled orbweaver spider in web
Species Types
Scientific Name
Araneus marmoreus
The marbled orbweaver is sometimes called the “pumpkin spider” because its rounded abdomen is sometimes bright orange. The color and markings can vary greatly.
Red velvet mite eating a woolly aphid on a wooden handrail at Rock Bridge State Park, Boone County, Missouri
Species Types
Scientific Name
About 300 species globally
True velvet mites: You’ve probably seen these small, velvety, bright red mites creeping around on rocks, plant containers, tree trunks, or on the ground, especially after a rain. Be not afraid! They are harmless — to people.