Spider wasps in genus Poecilopompilus provision their nests with orbweaver spiders, while most other spider wasps tend to hunt for jumping spiders, wolf spiders, or crab spiders. Like other spider wasps, females are solitary and dig nest burrows in the ground. This species prefers sandy or other workable substrates. It is usually seen in open areas, often as it visits flowers.
There are no common names for these spider wasps.
Two species may occur in Missouri: P. algidus and P. interruptus. Both are widespread in North America and may occur in Missouri.
Across the continent, the species in this genus show great variation in their colors and markings. Some are banded with yellow and orange, while others are mostly black with a patch of orange on the side of the abdomen.
Entomologists identify these wasps by noting characters of wing venation, mouthparts, eye shape, foot and leg spines, and other details. The rest of us must compare pictures, note overall body shape and color patterns, and other clues like habitat, behavior, and food choices.
Learn more about this and other spider wasps on their group page.