Marbled Orbweaver

Marbled orbweaver spider in web
Scientific Name
Araneus marmoreus
Araneidae (typical orb-weavers) in the order Araneae (spiders)

The marbled orbweaver is a colorful spider whose wide range includes all of the eastern United States. The pattern is variable, and the color can be white, yellow, orange, tan, grayish, or even white, with mottling and spotting of black, brown, or purple. Learn more about the marbled orbweaver and other angulate and roundshouldered orbweavers (Araneus spp.) on their genus page.

Other Common Names
Pumpkin Spider
Marbled Orb-Weaver
Where To Find


Females build their wheel-shaped webs among trees and tall weeds in moist woods, often near streams.

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