Long-Bracted Wild Indigo

Photo of long-bracted wild indigo plant with flowers
Scientific Name
Baptisia bracteata (formerly B. leucophaea)
Fabaceae (beans, peas)

Long-bracted wild indigo is a low, bushy, sparsely to densely hairy perennial; it is our earliest-flowering Baptisia.

The flowers are many, in the typical pea-family shape, on a heavy, long, drooping raceme, cream-colored. Blooms April–June.

The leaves are compound with 3 leaflets, each to 3½ inches long, oblanceolate to narrowly obovate. There is a pair of prominent leaflike bracts (stipules) at the base of each compound leaf.

The fruit is an oval pod to 2 inches long with a pointed beak to ¾ inch long. The pod walls are thick, leathery, somewhat hardened, with tiny, shiny seeds attached along one side within. The pods, and the rest of the plant, turn blackish upon drying.

Similar species: There are 4 species of Baptisia in Missouri. This one is distinguished by its large, persistent, leafy bracts at the bases of the compound leaves and the flower stalks; also by its hairiness, long flower stalks, and large fruits with tapering tips. It matures in late spring and flowers while the surrounding vegetation is still short.

Other Common Names
False Indigo
Cream White Indigo
Plains Wild Indigo

Height: to 1 foot.

Where To Find
image of Long-Bracted Wild Indigo

Statewide, except for the Southeast Lowlands.

Grows in rocky, open woods, upland prairies, glades, pastures, and fields, often along roads, in openings in woods, and along streamsides, usually on acid soils.

The presence of Baptisia plants is a good indicator of former prairies, glades, and savannas.

Native Missouri wildflower.

The foliage of Baptisia species has been used as a poor substitute for indigo in dyeing.

The interesting oval seed pods can be used in dried flower arrangements.

This plant is a good choice for native wildflower gardening, being hardy, heat and drought tolerant, and good for cut flowers.

Bitter alkaloid compounds in the foliage limit the use of Baptisia species as forage plants. Horses and cattle avoid it.

The early-blooming flowers provide food for queen bumblebees when they emerge from winter hibernation, which helps get their colonies off to a good start; worker bees soon take over the foraging tasks.

Several other bees, butterflies, and other insects collect nectar or pollen, or eat the leaves.

Not many herbivores browse the foliage, due to bitter chemicals in the leaves, although deer may sometimes eat the flowers.

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About Wildflowers, Grasses and Other Nonwoody Plants in Missouri
A very simple way of thinking about the green world is to divide the vascular plants into two groups: woody and nonwoody (or herbaceous). But this is an artificial division; many plant families include some species that are woody and some that are not. The diversity of nonwoody vascular plants is staggering! Think of all the ferns, grasses, sedges, lilies, peas, sunflowers, nightshades, milkweeds, mustards, mints, and mallows — weeds and wildflowers — and many more!