Monarch Planting Examples


Dry Soil Conditions (Well-drained Soils)


  • Minimum 100 square feet
  • Minimum 10 milkweeds of two or more species
  • Minimum 4 biennial or perennial native species for nectar

Dry Conditions Planting Diagram

  • 100 square feet
  • 5 each of two different milkweeds
  • 19 plants of four different biennial/perennial native species
  • Total: 29 plants all spaced 18" apart


  • (5 - PM) Purple Milkweed
  • (5 - BW) Butterfly Milkweed
  • (5 - WPC) White Prairie Clover
  • (5 - RBS) Rough Blazing Star
  • (4 - WB) Wild Bergamot
  • (5 - BES) Black-eyed Susan
Monarch planting diagram for dry soils

Wet Soil Condition (Poorly Drained Soils, i.e. Raingarden)


  • Minimum 100 square feet
  • Plant more than 10 plants if using only one species of milkweed
  • Minimum 4 biennial or perennial native species for nectar

Wet Conditions Planting Diagram

  • 250 square feet
  • 15 of one milkweed species
  • 49 plants of different biennial/perennial native species
  • Total: 64 plants, 24 spaced 24" apart across 150 square feet, 40 spaced 16" apart across 100 square feet

Plant Legend

  • (15 - MM) Marsh Milkweed
  • (3 - NEA) New England Aster 
  • (6 - CP) Cup Plant
  • (21- BL) Blue Lobelia
  • (19 - CR) Culver's Root

Note: Plants are arranged tallest to shortest, with shortest in front. These diagrams are just one of hundreds of plant combinations that can be used from the above table.

Wet soil monarch planting diagram.