Dry Soil Conditions (Well-drained Soils)
- Minimum 100 square feet
- Minimum 10 milkweeds of two or more species
- Minimum 4 biennial or perennial native species for nectar
Dry Conditions Planting Diagram
- 100 square feet
- 5 each of two different milkweeds
- 19 plants of four different biennial/perennial native species
- Total: 29 plants all spaced 18" apart
- (5 - PM) Purple Milkweed
- (5 - BW) Butterfly Milkweed
- (5 - WPC) White Prairie Clover
- (5 - RBS) Rough Blazing Star
- (4 - WB) Wild Bergamot
- (5 - BES) Black-eyed Susan
Wet Soil Condition (Poorly Drained Soils, i.e. Raingarden)
- Minimum 100 square feet
- Plant more than 10 plants if using only one species of milkweed
- Minimum 4 biennial or perennial native species for nectar
Wet Conditions Planting Diagram
- 250 square feet
- 15 of one milkweed species
- 49 plants of different biennial/perennial native species
- Total: 64 plants, 24 spaced 24" apart across 150 square feet, 40 spaced 16" apart across 100 square feet
Plant Legend
- (15 - MM) Marsh Milkweed
- (3 - NEA) New England Aster
- (6 - CP) Cup Plant
- (21- BL) Blue Lobelia
- (19 - CR) Culver's Root
Note: Plants are arranged tallest to shortest, with shortest in front. These diagrams are just one of hundreds of plant combinations that can be used from the above table.