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MDC seeks input on Lester R. Davis Memorial Forest plan
MINDENMINES, Mo. – The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) wants to know what Missourians think about its nearly 1,000 conservation areas around the state. The management plan for the Lester R. Davis Memorial Forest in Barton County is open for public review in February.
MDC invites comments from recreational users, neighboring landowners, conservation groups, elected officials, government agencies and other interested persons or groups. Citizens can comment on this area Feb. 1-28. To make a comment on this area plan, go to mdc.mo.gov/areaplans.
The 85-acre Lester R. Davis Memorial Forest is located four miles north of Mindenmines on Barton County’s West Central Road. The landscape is mostly forested, but does include some grassland areas and a pond that has moderate fishing opportunities (mostly sunfish). The area also offers hunting opportunities and a three-mile hiking and bicycling trail.
For more information on area plan comment periods, go online to mdc.mo.gov/areaplans.