Discover Nature

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From Missouri Conservationist: Aug 2014

6 Ideas for Family Fun

To find more events near you, call your regional office, or visit and choose your region.

  1. CREEK SURVEY AUG. 9 - SATURDAY - 10-11:30 A.M.Kansas City Region, Burr Oak Woods Conservation Nature Center, 1401 NW Park Road, Blue Springs, MO 64015Registration required, call 816-228-3766Ages 5 and older What lives in and near Burr Oak Creek? Find out as we search for aquatic life and explore this important ecosystem. Be ready to get wet on a fun-filled adventure.
  2. DISCOVER NATURE: FAMILY ARCHERY SHOOTING AUG. 13 - WEDNESDAY - 6-8 P.M.Kansas City Region, Parma Woods Shooting Range and Outdoor Education Center, 15900 NW River Road, Parkville, MO 64152Registration required, call 816-891-9941All ages, familiesEnjoying archery shooting is a great way to spend time together as a family. With minimal equipment and knowledge your family can discover nature through archery. Let our certified archery instructors coach you through the basics of family archery shooting.
  3. INSECT-O-RAMA AUG. 15 - FRIDAY - 6:30-9:30 P.M.Southwest Region, Springfield Conservation Nature Center, 4601 S. Nature Center Way, Springfield, MO 65804No registration required, call 417-629-3423 for additional detailsAll ages, families Insects — they fascinate us, they bug us, they surround us, and they bite us, but what would summer be like without them? Join insect specialists and enthusiasts for an evening devoted to celebrating insects and the important role they play in nature. Grab your entire family and participate in some creepy-crawly fun for all ages. A free shuttle will be available for overflow parking at nearby Bryan University.
  4. FAMILIES CATFISH CAMP AUG. 23 - SATURDAY - 1 P.M. TO AUG. 24 - SUNDAY MORNING Northeast Region, Ted Shanks Conservation Area, near Hannibal, MO 63401Registration required by Aug. 8, call 660-785-2420All ages, families. Families are invited to discover nature at this free two-day catfish camp. On the first day, participants will learn about catfish biology, regulations and fishing presentations. Saturday evening will be spent on the Mississippi River setting lines. All lines will be checked Sunday morning. Camping and pole and line fishing will be available Saturday evening for those interested.
  5. WHETSTONE YOUTH DOVE HUNT AUG. 30 - SATURDAY - 1-5 P.M. AND SEPT. 1 - MONDAY - SUNRISE-NOON Central Region, Whetstone Creek Conservation Area, 3215 County Rd. 1003, Williamsburg, MO 63388Registration required, call Nicole Walker at 573-254-3330 or email 8-15, with parent(s)This program will consist of two sessions: a dove clinic and a hunt. At the dove clinic on Aug. 30, participants will learn the basics of dove hunting safety, firearms safety, and shooting skills. Then, Sept. 1, participants will be taken on a dove hunt at Whetstone Creek Conservation Area. Any youth age 8-15 is eligible to apply for this hunt. Youth must be hunter education certified or accompanied by a properly licensed mentor. If a mentor is not available one will be provided.
  6. ATLANTA CA YOUTH DOVE HUNT SEPT. 1 - MONDAY - NOON-8 P.M. Northeast Region, Atlanta Conservation Area, Atlanta, MO 63433Registration required, call Rob Garver at 660-785-2424 or email 11-15, with parent(s)Participate in a youth dove hunting workshop and hunt at Atlanta Conservation Area in Atlanta. The workshop will offer instruction in dove biology, hunting safety, and clay-bird shooting practice and will be followed by an afternoon dove hunt. Any youth age 11-15 is eligible to apply for this hunt. Mentors are encouraged to accompany the youth hunter.

Discover Nature Photo Contest

Show the world your idea of discovering nature in Missouri. Using your Google+, Instagram, or Twitter account, tag your Missouri nature photos with “#MDCdiscovernature.” Your photos will appear on our website at, where you can also read the contest rules. Every month, Department staff will select and post a winning photo. We’ll publish all of the monthly winners in the January 2015 issue of the Conservationist.

This Issue's Staff

Editor In Chief - Nichole LeClair Terrill
Managing Editor - vacant
Art Director - Cliff White
Staff Writer/Editor - Brett Dufur
Staff Writer - Jim Low
Photographer - Noppadol Paothong
Photographer - David Stonner
Designer - Stephanie Thurber
Circulation - Laura Scheuler