Our Glorious Forests
Lead Mine CA
- Size: 7,042.6 acres
- Location: In Dallas County north of Plad on Highway 64, then north on Route T and one-half mile east on Route YY
- Highlights: This forest area contains savanna, glades and old fields. Facilities and features include boat ramps, an unmanned firearms range, fishable ponds, several intermittent streams and two permanent streams: the Niangua River and Jakes Creek.
- Find more info: Call (417) 532-7612 or visit our online atlas, keyword "Lead".
Hunting season reminds us that the Department of Conservation’s areas help sustain Missouri’s outdoor recreation heritage. Take Lead Mine Conservation Area in Dallas County, for example. This large area contains many excellent examples of dolomite glade communities, oak-hickory uplands and clear running springs. Wildlife habitat management includes sustainable timber harvesting and producing forage and cover for wildlife. Lead Mine’s diverse forest habitats support good populations of game animals, including deer, turkey, raccoon, squirrel, rabbit and coyote. Visitors will also find many other small animals and a wide variety of birds. Of the five primitive camping areas, one is for groups by special-use permit only, and one is only open Oct. 1 through Jan. 15. The main campground has 51 sites, 26 of which accommodate trailers; all are open year-round. All camping area sites are available on a first come, first served basis.
Order Trees Nov. 15-April 30
Conservation Department provides low-cost seedlings.
If you’ve been planning to establish a windbreak or quail-friendly shrubs—or just make your home landscape a little more attractive to wildlife—now’s the time to order shrub and tree seedlings from the George O. White State Forest Nursery. Seedlings are sold from mid-November to the end of April, and bundles range from $3 to $24. Find the order form online Nov. 15 as listed below. The Web site also includes tips about transporting, planting and caring for your seedlings.
We All Live in a Forest
Habitat corridors sustain strong wildlife populations.
Your private land might not lie entirely within a forest, but if it includes a wooded stream, it serves as a habitat corridor for forest-dwelling wildlife species throughout the state. Dispersing young wildlife, in particular, use wooded riparian corridors on private land to find new territories, mates and food. Like livestock herds that benefit from “new blood,” wildlife also need access to mates from different gene pools in order to build more robust animal populations. Wooded streams serve as roosting sites for wild turkey, too. Whether you enjoy hunting or just viewing Missouri’s wild species, you can take satisfaction in knowing that your well-managed wooded stream is helping keep wildlife genetics diverse and strong. For more information on managing your wooded streams, explore the links listed below.
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This Issue's Staff
Managing Editor - Nichole LeClair
Art Director - Cliff White
Writer/editor - Tom Cwynar
Staff Writer - Bonnie Chasteen
Staff Writer - Jim Low
Staff Writer - Arleasha Mays
Photographer - Noppadol Paothong
Photographer - David Stonner
Designer - Stephanie Ruby
Artist - Dave Besenger
Artist - Mark Raithel
Circulation - Laura Scheuler