Crane Creek


In Stone and Lawrence counties:

The use of porous-soled waders is prohibited.
While on any waters with length limits, all trout you possess must be kept with head, tail, and skin intact.

In Stone and Lawrence counties upstream from Quail Spur Crossing on Stone County Road 13-195 - 8 miles

Blue Ribbon Trout Area - see restrictions below

Area Type

Blue Ribbon Trout Area

Blue Ribbon Trout Area
Fish Image
Blue Ribbon Trout Area
Area Information

Harvest is limited to maintain the maximum density of adult trout, create excellent catch-and-release fishing, and provide the occasional chance to harvest a trophy. These areas on the Current and North Fork of the White rivers are stocked with brown trout, and the Eleven Point River is stocked with rainbows.

Area Restrictions

Length Limit: At least 18"
Daily Limit: 1
Authorized Lures: Artificial lures and flies

Only flies and artificial lures may be used, and soft plastic baits and natural and scented baits are prohibited when fishing for any species.
Gigging, bowfishing, and using an atlatl are prohibited, and fish taken by these methods may not be possessed on these waters or their banks.
