Field Guide

Land Invertebrates

Showing 81 - 90 of 121 results
Newly emerged adult pronghorn clubtail dragonfly perched on a grass stem
Species Types
Scientific Name
Phanogomphus graslinellus
The pronghorn clubtail is one of several members of its genus in our area that are generally difficult to identify. Like other dragonflies, it is an aerial predator that hunts insects on the wing.
Male common whitetail dragonfly perched on a twig
Species Types
Scientific Name
Plathemis lydia
The common whitetail is a widespread species found across much of North America. Males and females look quite a bit different.
Tachinid fly visiting a mint flower
Species Types
Scientific Name
About 1,350 species in North America north of Mexico
Tachinid flies are one of the largest families of flies. They are parasitic flies whose larvae are parasitoids of other insects. They look a lot like house flies, blow or bottle flies, wasps, or bees. Many are very bristly.
image of Small Milkweed Bugs
Species Types
Scientific Name
Lygaeus kalmii
The small milkweed bug is one common type of seed bug. It is found on many more plants than just milkweeds.
Female Georgia mason bee, covered with yellow pollen, on a yellow flowerhead
Species Types
Scientific Name
Osmia georgica
The Georgia mason is one of several species of mason bees in Missouri. Like other megachilid bees, it is a native solitary bee that carries pollen in a special clump of hairs on the underside of the abdomen.
Male common eastern bumble bee on a New World aster
Species Types
Scientific Name
Bombus impatiens
The common eastern bumblebee is widespread in the eastern United States. It is one of several species of bumblebees that occur in Missouri.
Female Carolina mantis
Species Types
Scientific Name
Stagomantis carolina, Mantis religiosa, and Tenodera sinensis
Most people recognize mantids, or mantises, when they see them, but it takes more practice to distinguish among the different species of these efficient insect predators.
image of a Carolina Grasshopper
Species Types
Scientific Name
Dissosteira carolina
The Carolina grasshopper is frequently seen in dusty, open habitats like dirt roads and vacant lots. Its yellow-bordered, black hindwings make it look like a mourning cloak butterfly.
Lichen grasshopper sitting on a rock
Species Types
Scientific Name
Trimerotropis saxatilis
The lichen grasshopper sticks to sunny, rocky areas, such as the many rocky glades and hilltops in the Ozarks, where lichens are plentiful. It is perfectly camouflaged there.
Female mason bee collecting pollen on a yellow daisy-family flowerhead
Species Types
Scientific Name
More than 630 species in North America north of Mexico
Megachilid bees are a family of solitary, native bees that carry pollen only on the underside of the abdomen, never on the hind legs. Large cutting mouthparts allow them to collect pieces of leaves, soil, or plant resins to line their nests.
See Also
Photo of a Yellow-Collared Scape Moth
Species Types
Scientific Name
Cisseps fulvicollis
The yellow-collared scape moth is more often “orange-collared.” And whether you think it looks more like a firefly or a wasp, it’s still a moth!
image of Plume Moth on blade of grass
Species Types
Scientific Name
Nearly 150 species in North America north of Mexico
Slim, delicate plume moths are instantly recognizable by their T-shaped silhouette, long legs, and muted shades of tan and brown. It can be hard to separate the various species.
Photo of an Isabella Tiger Moth
Species Types
Scientific Name
Pyrrharctia isabella
Not many people know the adult Isabella tiger moth when they see one, but we’re all acquainted with its caterpillar, the woolly worm, or woolly bear.

About Land Invertebrates in Missouri

Invertebrates are animals without backbones, including earthworms, slugs, snails, and arthropods. Arthropods—invertebrates with “jointed legs” — are a group of invertebrates that includes crayfish, shrimp, millipedes, centipedes, mites, spiders, and insects. There may be as many as 10 million species of insects alive on earth today, and they probably constitute more than 90 percent all animal species.