Summer Tanager

Photo of a male summer tanager perched on a small branch
Scientific Name
Piranga rubra
Cardinalidae (cardinals) in the order Passeriformes

The adult male summer tanager is entirely rosy red, slightly darker on wings and tail. When molting occurs and new feathers are grown, the rose-red plumage is retained year round. Young males are blotched red and yellow during the spring and summer following their first migration, and they may have a red head like a western tanager.

Females are yellowish below and olive yellow above, slightly more orange-red tinged than the female scarlet tanager.

The bill of the summer tanager is noticeably larger than that of the scarlet tanager.

The song, about 2 to 4 seconds long, is a melodious, slurred, robinlike series, usually with a few prit-ti-voy phrases within the song. The call is a dry, sharp pit titi tuck or chi ti bit, accented on the first note.

Key identifiers:

  • Adult males are all red.
  • Females are mustard yellow/ochre (less olive or greenish than scarlet tanager females).
  • Some females, and young males, can have patches of red on the body feathers.
  • The bill is larger than that of scarlet tanager.
  • Song similar to American robin’s.

Similar species: Male western tanagers might be confused with young summer tanager males, but westerns are very rarely seen in our state; also, they have dark wings with white wing bars, and their yellow rump contrasts with a black back. The eastern edge of the western tanager’s range is in Colorado and Wyoming, but the species might be seen casually in Missouri — almost always in late fall or in winter, however.


Length: 6¾ inches.

Where To Find
Summer Tanager Distribution Map

Statewide. Most common in the southern two-thirds of the state.

Usually seen high in trees in pine-oak forests, bottomland deciduous woodlands, and parks. Often seen near water (as along creeks or rivers).

If you want to see a summer tanager, as with other birds that frequent the tops of trees, learn to recognize their songs and calls first, then go to likely habitat in summer (starting in May); listen, and have your binoculars ready.

Forages on bees, wasps, and other insects, which it often catches in flight, as well as some berries and other fruits. Reported to come to feeders with fruit available.

When hunting bees and wasps, the tanager whacks the insect against a branch to subdue it and to eliminate the stinger. With the adult wasps eaten, the tanager turns to the wasp nest, breaks it open, and eats the grublike larvae.

Fruits eaten in Missouri include mulberries, blackberries, and pokeweed, but during winters in the tropics they may eat citrus fruits, bananas, and custard apples (fun fact: custard apples, such as cherimoya and guanábana/soursop, are in the same family as pawpaw).

Common summer resident in southern Missouri, uncommon in northern Missouri.

Global populations remain stable.

This and other North American birds in the genus Piranga used to be considered true tanagers, in the same family (Thraupidae) as other true tanagers common in the Neotropics. But scientists have determined they are more closely related to cardinals, so now they are placed in the Cardinalidae.

Life Cycle

Present in Missouri May through the first week of October. Using dried grasses and other nonwoody plant materials, the female builds a bulky cup nest in tree branches that usually overlook an open area below (a creek, a road, an opening in the woods). Clutches comprise 3 or 4 eggs, which are incubated 11–12 days. Young remain in the nest another 8–12 days after hatching. There can be 1 or 2 broods. The winter range extends from southern Mexico well into South America, and they fly across the Gulf of Mexico to get there. A summer tanager can live to be at least 7 years old.

One of the most colorful birds in North America, the summer tanager is a great reason to become a bird watcher. Its rich, lazy song adds to the allure.

An old nickname for this tanager is “summer redbird,” which distinguished this summer-resident species from the “winter redbird” (the northern cardinal), which is present year-round.

Birds that eat insects help control insect populations. Birds that eat fruits often distribute the seeds from the parent plant, aiding dispersal of those species. This species does both!

This species requires pine-oak and deciduous woodlands, especially near water; preserving these habitats is important.

Brown-headed cowbirds commonly parasitize summer tanagers, laying their eggs in the tanagers’ nests, to the detriment of the tanagers’ own young. Summer tanagers are known to chase cowbirds away from their nesting locations.

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Where to See Species

Prairie Home Conservation Area, located in eastern Cooper County, is an upland area with a mix of oldfields, small cropfields, grasslands, and woodlands. The original acquisition in 1963 included 212
About Birds in Missouri

About 350 species of birds are likely to be seen in Missouri, though nearly 400 have been recorded within our borders. Most people know a bird when they see one — it has feathers, wings, and a bill. Birds are warm-blooded, and most species can fly. Many migrate hundreds or thousands of miles. Birds lay hard-shelled eggs (often in a nest), and the parents care for the young. Many communicate with songs and calls.

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