The Missouri Conservation Commission met March 13 for a workshop and closed executive session and March 14 for its regular open meeting. All were held at Conservation Department Headquarters, 2901 W. Truman Blvd. in Jefferson City.
Commissioners attending the open meeting in person or online were:
- Mark L. McHenry, Chair
- Steven D. Harrison, Vice Chair
- Margaret (Margy) F. Eckelkamp, Secretary
- L. (Barry) Orscheln, Member
The Commission received the following presentations/reports:
- Director’s Comments — Sara Parker Pauley, Director
- Report of the Regulations Committee — Jason Sumners, Deputy Director and Chair, Regulations Committee
- Recommendations for 2023 black bear season quotas — Nate Bowersock, Scientist
- Recommendations for 2023 dove season dates and limits and 2023-24 migratory bird season dates and limits — Andy Raedeke, Scientist
- Financial Report — Andrew Bond, Chief Financial Officer
- Major Construction Projects Status Report — Jacob Careaga, Infrastructure Management Branch Chief
The Commission:
- Approved recommendations for 2023 elk and black bear season quotas, 2023 dove season dates and limits, and 2023-24 migratory bird season dates and limits.
- Gave approval to amend the agreement with HDR, Inc. for professional engineering services for the design and construction overview of the Bennett Spring Fish Hatchery Renovation Project in Laclede County.
- Gave approval to sell 10.1 acres of the Ulman Tower Site in Miller County.
- Approved the recommendation to quitclaim deed two tracts of approximately 14 acres in Osage County for two tracts consisting of 4.1 acres and a fixed one-time payment as an addition to Cooper Hill Conservation Area.
- Approved the recommendation to exchange approximately a 100-foot radius of land on Weldon Springs Conservation Area in St. Charles County for a 100-foot radius of land as an addition to Weldon Springs Conservation Area.
- Accepted a donation of approximately 518 acres in Reynolds County as an addition to Logan Creek Conservation Area.
- Approved the advertisement and sale of an estimated 703,523 board feet of timber located on 155 acres of Compartment 4, University Forest Conservation Area in Wayne County.
- Approved the advertisement and sale of an estimated 1,280,161 board feet of timber located on 606 acres of Compartment 4, Sunklands Conservation Area in Shannon County.
- Approved the advertisement and sale of an estimated 3,503,811 board feet of timber located on 780 acres of Compartment 9, Logan Creek Conservation Area in Reynolds County.
- Approved the nomination of Lonnie Hansen for recognition as a Master Conservationist.
- Approved the nomination of Lee Redmond for induction into the Missouri Conservation Hall of Fame.
- Approved MDC recommendations to suspend or revoke one or more hunting, fishing, or trapping privileges of five individuals for cause:
- Christopher L. Boyd, Boss, Hunting, 1 Year;
- Jared J. Curtis, Gallatin, Hunting, 1 Year;
- Saw Htoo, St. Paul (MN), Hunting, 4 Years;
- Bobby D. Phillips, Clarksville (AR), Hunting, 1 Year; and
- Ryan A. Pierceall, Sibley, Hunting, Add 2 Years to Current Revocation.
- Approved the reinstatement of fishing privileges and denied reinstatement of hunting and trapping privileges for Benjamin A. Wood of Clarence.
- Set the next regular meeting for May 19, 2023.