Recognizing Missouri's Conservation Loggers
Every year we give awards to loggers who have demonstrated good working relationships with landowners and foresters, caused minimal damage to remaining trees and resources on the harvest site, used best management practices to prevent soil erosion, have the desire to address wildlife management concerns, and use proper forest management techniques.
Award Criteria
Loggers can’t apply for the Logger of the Year Award, but professional foresters may nominate them based on the following criteria:
- Must be a logger operating in Missouri
- Must have completed the Professional Timber Harvester’s Training Program sponsored by the Missouri Forest Products Association and be current with the qualifications (or equivalent training if the logger is an out-of-state resident)
- Must be practicing sustainable forest management, including good forest product utilization and be implementing best management practices
- Must have low residual tree damage on their harvests
- Must be practicing safe work habits and preferably using all the safety equipment
- Must have no recent complaints or issues working with landowners and foresters on timber sales.
Award Categories
The award is given at two levels: regional and state.
- The Regional Logger Award is chosen from each MDC region (one award issued per region), and the loggers must be nominated by a professional forester. There are eight regional awards given throughout the state.
- The State Logger of the Year Award is selected from the winners of the Regional Logger Award based on the narratives and a review of the candidates’ work areas.
Annual Award Cycle
- January through March: Professional foresters nominate regional candidates.
- April: Eight regional winners are announced.
- May 1: MDC reviews regional winners.
- Mid-June: MDC announces State Logger of the Year Award winner.