Forest and Woodland Management

Forest with large and small trees and brushy understory
Forest and Woodland Management

Wooded areas can be managed for both wildlife and timber production. This section provides information and techniques to help you manage for one or both. 


Wooded Ecosystems

Wooded areas play an important habitat role for many wildlife species. They provide:

  • Snags for nesting woodpeckers and other birds that nest in cavities
  • Food and cover for deer and turkey
  • Den trees for squirrels and furbearers
  • Browse for deer and nesting areas for birds

The difference between a good and poor wildlife woodland can be as simple as a fence and proper tree management.

Types of Wooded Habitat

Table showing how number of trees differs between savanna, open woodland, woodland, and forest habitats.

Missouri has four main types of habitats where trees play an important role.

  • Forests
  • Woodlands
  • Open Woodlands
  • Savannas

Forests have the highest density of trees, and savannas (grasslands with scattered trees) have the lowest. This section focuses primarily on managing forests and woodlands.


Follow these links to learn more about habitats where trees play a role.