Nature Art
Learn embroidery techniques while also exploring "Wildflowers" by stitching quilt blocks based on that theme.
Learn embroidery techniques while also exploring "Wildflowers" by stitching quilt blocks based on that theme.
This class is a 12-month program (June 2024-May 2025) that meets each month. You will learn simple, but beautiful embroidery techniques as we explore some of the most stunning and unique wildflowers native to Missouri.
By signing up, you are committing to attend all twelve of the monthly sessions so that you will be able to complete all 15 blocks for an entire quilt.
It's time! Join our MDC backpacking instructors for our annual fall Intro to Backpacking Program!
This program will take place along the beautiful Current River Challenge, a loop trail that combines hiking and kayaking, giving participants experience in all techniques to make a successful backpacking – and kayaking – trip within the beautiful Missouri Ozarks.
Students must be 11 years old and have completed the knowledge session of the course prior to attending this skills session. This is done by either completing the on-line version (there is a fee involved for this), or filling out the student manual chapter review questions and bringing their booklet with them to class for instructor review (this is free). Student manuals are available at Twin Pines Conservation Education Center or from the MDC website.
If you have any questions or problems registering, please call the Twin Pines main line at 573-325-1381.
Students must be 11 years old and have completed the knowledge session of the course prior to attending this skills session. This is done by either completing the on-line version (there is a fee involved for this), or filling out the student manual chapter review questions and bringing their booklet with them to class for instructor review (this is free). Student manuals are available at Twin Pines Conservation Education Center or from the MDC website.
If you have any questions or problems registering, please call the Twin Pines main line at 573-325-1381.
Students must be 11 years old and have completed the knowledge session of the course prior to attending this skills session. This is done by either completing the on-line version (there is a fee involved for this) or filling out the student manual chapter review questions and bringing their booklet with them to class for instructor review (this is free). Student manuals are available at Twin Pines Conservation Education Center or from the MDC website.
If you have any questions or problems registering, please call the Twin Pines main line at 573-325-1381.
Join the Current River Callers, NWTF (National Wild Turkey Federation) chapter and MDC for a fun-filled day designed for kids 6 to 12 years of age. Activities include fishing, archery, air rifle, a hunt smart hike and a wild outdoors activity.
Registration is on-site, no pre-registration required. Participants will receive a free JAKES membership, a goodie bag, and a chance to win one of three prizes. Lunch will be served from 11:00-11:45 am, before the activities begin. This is a free event.