Predator Vs. Prey


Eastern Gartersnake vs Short-Tailed Shrew

The struggle to survive isn’t always a fair fight.

Backward Biters

A gartersnake’s teeth curl inward. Once prey is seized, the only direction it can move is toward the snake’s tummy.

Jumbo Jaws

Special jawbones allow a snake to stretch its mouth around prey that's much larger than the snake's head.

Tiny but Toxic

Short-tailed shrews produce venomous saliva that paralyzes small prey like insects and hinders the heart of larger victims.

Hungry, Hungry Hunter

To survive, a shrew must eat up to half its body weight each day. Its appetite makes a shrew feistier than larger predators.

And the winner is…

In a battle between predators, the winner is often decided by who strikes first. This time, the shrew sinks its fangs into the snake’s neck, and the mini mammal’s venom takes care of the rest.

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