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Wolf spiders revealed at special program Oct. 18 at Powder Valley Nature Center
KIRKWOOD, Mo.—October is the time of the year that we traditionally confront our fears. What better time to attend a special presentation on spiders? Especially when there could be ten thousand of them lurking in your local field.
The Missouri Department of Conservation’s (MDC) Powder Valley Conservation Nature Center presents Tracking Missouri’s Wolf Spiders, a free program Friday, Oct. 18 from 7-9 p.m. The program will be by MDC Education Consultant David Bruns, author of the article “Little Wolves of Missouri”, appearing in the October issue of the Missouri Conservationist Magazine.
Bruns will show his incredible images on Powder Valley’s video wall, share experiences, and insights about wolf spiders he has encountered, including how to recognize them, how and where they live, what makes them distinctive from other spiders, and why we should appreciate them.
Tens of thousands of these eight-legged hunters can live in every acre of suitable habitat, from forests, fields, wetlands and suburban yards. They are one of the few types of spiders can be found at night by observing their glowing “eyeshine.”
The indoor presentation will be followed by an optional, guided, night-time outdoor excursion to find and observe a variety of wolf spiders around the nature center. Participants in the nighttime excursion should bring a headlamp and wear appropriate shoes. Participants should prepare to be fascinated and amazed by these small hunters.
Tracking Missouri’s Wolf Spiders, is a free program, however advanced online registration is required at https://short.mdc.mo.gov/ZAc.
Powder Valley Conservation Nature Center is located at 11715 Cragwold Road in Kirkwood, near the intersection of I-44 and I-270.