What Was I Scared of? Find out Oct. 7

News from the region
Kansas City
Published Date

Kansas City, Mo. – What Was I Scared of? The staff at the Burr Oak Woods Nature Center in Blue Springs will answer that question via Dr. Suess characters at a free family event 3:30 to 9 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 7. Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) staff and volunteers will don costumes and wield facts at stops along a guided trail tour to explain harmless habits of strange creatures found amid the woods and wildflowers.

Trail tours will depart every 15 minutes and last 45 minutes. The last tour will depart at 8:30 p.m. Advance registration is requested.

All ages are welcome for What Was I Scared of? Also, visitors can tour stations offering crafts and wildlife exhibits. Plus, Burr Oak Woods at 1401 N.W. Park Road offers an aquarium with native fish, interactive nature exhibits, and hiking trails.

For more information or to register, call 816-228-3766. Information about Burr Oak Woods is available at http://mdc.mo.gov/burroakwoods.