MDC’s Runge Nature Center announces December programs

News from the region
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JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. — The Missouri Department of Conservation’s (MDC) Runge Nature Center in Jefferson City will continue to offer free public programs in December. Most programs will either take place outdoors or virtually in order to ensure public safety in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. All participants must wear masks covering mouth and nose at all in-person events. 

The nature center has released its program schedule for the month of December at Most programs require registration in advance, and space is limited.

To protect the health and safety of visitors and staff at the nature center, total building occupancy will be limited to 50 people at any time. During busy times, some visitors may need to wait outside until other guests exit the building. Visitors will need to use enter- and exit-only doors, and should bring their own drinking water, as drinking fountains will be out of service. Guests must practice physical distancing and frequent handwashing. Guests should also wear a mask covering their mouth and nose while inside the nature center.

December programs at the nature center will include:

  • Discover Nature: Winter Wonders — Virtual Programs
    Tuesday, Dec. 8, 1–1:30 p.m.; Thursday, Dec. 17, 4–4:30 p.m. — all ages
    As the hush of winter falls over Missouri, and nature’s pace slows, there are still mysteries to explore. Join Runge naturalists for these 30-minute programs exploring the wonders of winter.
    Participants will receive a link from the presenter on the day of the program.
    Registration required for Dec. 8 at:  
    Registration required for Dec. 17 at:
  • Little Acorns: Nature’s Gifts — Outdoor Programs
    Wednesday, Dec. 9, and Thursday, Dec. 31, 10–11 a.m. — ages 3–6
    Nature gives us so many gifts. Join Runge staff to put them to use and create natural holiday decorations. These programs will take place outside, so please dress for the weather. No more than one adult with each registered participant.
    Additional siblings or unregistered participants will not be able to attend.
    Participants must wear masks covering mouth and nose.
    Registration required for Dec. 9 at:
    Registration required for Dec. 31 at:
  • Discover Nature: Beginner Archery — Outdoor Programs
    Thursday, Dec. 10, 3:30–5 p.m.; Saturday, Dec. 19, 1–2:30 p.m. — ages 10+
    Want to learn the basics of archery and how to shoot safely? Join this program and you’ll be hitting the bullseye in no time! Meet at the Runge outdoor pavilion. Dress for the weather with closed-toed shoes and non-baggy clothing. The Runge archery range is not ADA-accessible.
    Participants must wear masks covering mouth and nose.
    Registration required for Dec. 10 at:
    Registration required for Dec. 19 at:
  • Discover Nature: Cooking with Conservation — Virtual Programs
    Wednesday, Dec. 16, 6:30–7:30 p.m.; Monday, Dec. 21, 2–3 p.m. — all ages Tasting harvested wild game is one of the most rewarding experiences from your hunt. Join Runge Naturalist Karli Dawson for these virtual programs to learn how to prepare seared duck breast and venison roast (Dec. 16), and venison Wellington and duck poppers (Dec. 21).
    Participants will receive a link from the presenter on the day of the program.
    Registration required for Dec. 16 at:   
    Registration required for Dec. 21 at:
  • Winter Backyard Bird Watching — Virtual Program
    Monday, Dec. 21, 10–11 a.m. — all ages
    Winter is a great time to watch birds at your backyard feeders. This virtual program will help you identify birds visiting your feeders and offer tips on how to attract them.
    Participants will receive a link from the presenter on the day of the program.
    Registration required at:
  • Discover Nature: Cedar Wreath Building — Outdoor Programs
    Tuesday, Dec. 22, 10–11 a.m.; 11 a.m.–noon; 1–2 p.m.; 2–3 p.m. — ages 18+
    Celebrate the holidays and help Runge make use of removed invasive cedar trees by building your own wreath to take home. Dress for the weather.
    Participants must wear masks covering mouth and nose.
    Registration required for 10 a.m. at:
    Registration required for 11 a.m. at:
    Registration required for 1 p.m. at:
    Registration required for 2 p.m. at:

Nature center guests can conveniently manage program registration online at The first step in registering for a program is creating a profile, then signing up for future programs is simple. Once registrants create a profile and register for events, they will receive details about those specific programs.

Sign up for email and/or text updates from Runge Nature Center and other conservation news at

Events at Runge Nature Center are free, thanks to the one-eighth of 1 percent conservation sales tax. Runge Nature Center, located at 330 Commerce Drive in Jefferson City, is open Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m.; and Thursday, 8 a.m.–8 p.m. Trails at the nature center are open every day, 6 a.m.–9 p.m.  Runge Nature Center will be closed Dec. 25 for Christmas; trails will remain open.

For more information about events at Runge Conservation Nature Center, visit, or call the nature center at (573) 526-5544.