MDC’s Jay Henges Shooting Range still accessible despite partial closure of Antire Road

News from the region
Saint Louis
Published Date

ST. LOUIS, Mo.—The Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) closed a portion of the South Outer Road (Beaumont Antire Road) between Bussen Quarry Road and the Missouri Department of Conservation’s (MDC) Jay Henges Shooting Range and Outdoor Education Center as of Aug. 15. According to MoDOT, the portion of road, immediately to the southwest of the range, will remain closed to traffic in both directions until early October.  The closure is to facilitate pavement resurfacing work.

Users travelling either direction along I-44 will not be affected.  They can still access the range as before by way of the Beaumont Antire Road Exit#269.  The closure will only impact those wishing to reach the range from the southwest via Beaumont Antire Road.  In that case, MoDOT recommends seeking an alternate route. The range will continue to be open for normal operating hours during this time.

For updates on the construction work, go to

The Jay Henges Shooting Range and Outdoor Education Center includes a 100-yard, baffled, rifle/pistol range with 20 covered booths with target placements up to 100 yards. Additional facilities include three trap fields, a shotgun patterning range, a four target static archery range and a 15 target walk-through archery range. The Jay Henges complex provides a safe environment for novice to experienced shooters. For more information on Jay Henges Shooting Range, visit