MDC's Gossett Conservation Area open for public use

News from the region
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BUFFALO, Mo. – As spring transitions into summer and people are looking for outdoor recreation areas close to home, the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) wants to remind people the Alfred Newton Gossett Conservation Area in Dallas County is open for public use.

The 671-acre area near Windyville was acquired by MDC in 2017. in its initial year under MDC ownership, staff surveyed the area, marked boundaries, constructed a parking area and conducted other start-up tasks that are part of the process of transforming a newly obtained piece of property into an MDC public use area.

The Gossett Area, a site that’s primarily forest cover, is now open to public use. Whether someone is interested in hiking, nature photography, or summer squirrel hunting, the oak woodlands, old overgrown fields and Niangua River corridor slicing through the area can provide opportunities for outdoor recreation. The area is open 4 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily. The area will also be open for deer and turkey hunting this fall.

For more information about the area, call the MDC Lebanon office at 417-532-7612. Find out more about this and other MDC public use areas at