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MDC Wild Webcast: Be Bear Aware
Black bears are one of Missouri's largest animals. Missouri Department of Conservation's (MDC) Bear Biologist Jeff Beringer gets up close and personal with bears almost on a daily basis. Beringer's job consists of trapping, collaring, examining, and conducting research on Missouri's black bears. Listen to what Beringer and other MDC staff have to say about Missouri's black bears during MDC's free mid-afternoon Wild Webcast.
Join us on Thursday, Sept. 8, from 2-3 p.m.CST to learn about the history of Missouri's black bears, how large the Missouri black bear population is and if it's still growing, the importance of being bear aware, and the Black Bear Research Project. This MDC Wild Webcast will feature a conversation with MDC experts, include plenty of pictures, and then be open for questions from webcast participants.
- History of Missouri's black bears;
- Location and population of Missouri's black bears;
- Importance of being bear aware; and
- The Black Bear Research Project.
REGISTER TODAY for Be Bear Aware.
MARK YOUR CALENDAR for this future MDC Wild Webcast: