Xplor reconnects kids to nature and helps them find adventure in their own backyard. Free to residents of Missouri.
MDC teams up with World Bird Sanctuary to present Raptor Basics program featuring live birds June 13 at Bellefontaine Conservation Area
St. LOUIS, Mo.—The majestic image of a raptor has been the inspiration and namesake for things ranging from aircraft to trucks. Learn why these amazing creatures have so captured our imaginations. The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) is partnering with the World Bird Sanctuary (WBS) to present a Raptor Basics program Monday, June 13, from 10-11 a.m. at Bellefontaine Conservation Area in North St. Louis County.
Participants will have the chance to meet remarkable raptors live and in person and enjoy an educational presentation by WBS experts. What exactly is a raptor? How is a raptor different from other birds? How do they hunt and where do they live? Learn all this and more about these incredible birds of prey. Participants will discover their unique and incredible adaptations while getting a close-up look at the birds.
Raptor Basics is a free program but requires advanced online registration at https://short.mdc.mo.gov/4iF. Bellefontaine Conservation Area is located adjacent to the Missouri Veterans Home at 10600 Lewis and Clark Boulevard (Highway 367), a half mile south of I-270. The program will be held at the pavilion.
This program is made possible by an education cooperative agreement between MDC and the WBS and are free for school classes to attend. For over 40 years, the World Bird Sanctuary has helped restore the bald eagle, peregrine falcon, and American barn owl from near extinction. They strive to support birds through education, conservation, and rehabilitation.
Program registrants should note that families now have the option to link their children’s accounts to their own which will streamline the program registration process. Once a group account is set up, parents will be able to register their children to an event without having to logoff and login for each person. This allows parents to register an entire family or select family members to an event at the same time.
Sign up for email or text alerts to stay informed of MDC’s latest programs and events by going to https://short.mdc.mo.gov/ZoP.