Xplor reconnects kids to nature and helps them find adventure in their own backyard. Free to residents of Missouri.
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Xplor reconnects kids to nature and helps them find adventure in their own backyard. Free to residents of Missouri.
A monthly publication about conservation in Missouri. Started in 1938, the printed magazine is free to residents of Missouri.
ASH GROVE, Mo. – Like firearms hunting, the key to successful archery hunting is shot placement. Being able to put an arrow in the right spot can make the difference between a successful harvest and a frustrating day looking for a wounded animal that got away.
People can learn more about shot placement and also get chances to practice their archery skills on three-dimensional (3D) targets Sept. 22 at the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) program “Archery: Learning Archery 3D.” This program will be from 4-5:30 p.m. at MDC’s Andy Dalton Shooting Range and Outdoor Education Center, which is located in Greene County at 4897 N. Farm Road 61. People can register at:
At the Sept. 22 program, MDC Assistant Outdoor Education Center Manager Steve Govero will discuss the strategies and techniques needed to make the correct shot placements for various game animals. Participants will also get a chance to practice their bowhunting skills on 3D replicas of game species. Participants will make shots from ground-level and from elevated positions. This program is for people with intermediate archery skills. It is not a beginner-level class. Participants should bring their own archery equipment. All arrows must be equipped with target points.
Though the Sept. 22 program is free, registration is required to participate using the link above. People can stay informed about upcoming programs at MDC’s Andy Dalton Shooting Range and Outdoor Education Center and other MDC facilities by signing up for text alerts and e-mail bulletins. People who have questions about the Sept. 22 program or how to sign up for text alerts from the Dalton Range can call 417-742-4361.
Staff at MDC facilities across the state are holding in-person and virtual programs. A listing of these programs can be found at mdc.mo.gov/events.